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Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

Caturday greetings, GN.

I’m just sure that dreaming thread puppeh is up to no good. (Dogs being the embodiment of pure evil and all.)

Finished the post-Thanksgiving tidying yesterday; extra chairs back to garage, table leaf removed and stowed, table linens washed and folded, etc.

Since GraciousSouthronHostessK and I did all of the shopping, cleaning, cooking and other prep with somewhat dodgy backs, I’m glad it’s all over except for eating leftovers.

Two takeaways:

1) Pre-cooked turkey breast roasts ain’t cheap but are a wonderful convenience…especially when you’re also serving a ham.

2) Next time, Thanksgiving guests -- if any -- will be getting rewarmed Little Caesars’ pizza on Chinet plates with plastic implements and paper towels and they’ll like it. (Thus speaketh teh Surly Yankee.)

Paddy O'Furnijur
6 years ago

Happy Caturday, Gerbil Nation!
Good morning, Fatwa!

2) Next time, Thanksgiving guests — if any —

That’s why Mrs. Paddy has everyone bring something -- or more than one something. It’s just not right to have the hosts do all the work.

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

Hiya, Paddy!

In all fairness, FTR brought two homemade pecan pies…along with SiL and four kids.

And MamaK and PapaK had extenuating circumstances.

While it was lovely to see them all, last year (when GoodWifeK and I just went to Golden Corral as we wished to avoid certain family members) was a lot easier.


Paddy O'Furnijur
6 years ago

we wished to avoid certain family members

I certainly understand that!
We had my MiL, my nephew (my SiL was having trouble with her sciatica, so she and her husband stayed home), two long-time friends, their two daughters (same age as our sons), their plus-ones, the mother of a plus one, and two friends from Mrs. Paddy’s church that were going to be alone for Thanksgiving. More friends than relatives!