Teh Squeaky Wheel
Happy Lamentation Of Their Catlings Thursday, Wheelizens!
I get to do it all again next week, with two siblings.
Hope it’s a shorter schlep, Paddy.
Nope. It’s twice the drive -- out past Palm Springs. The school will be putting me up for the night, though.
The sounds of silence, eh?
Wha’? I couldn’t hear that.
Oh…hello SvenBonk my old friend.
Hey, Roger Waters: drop dead, you demented POS.
State of it. Rambling old drunk. Madder by the minute, more racist by the hour.https://t.co/QLbckGPwcE — The Allotment Raider (@Husker_Ju) May 9, 2019
State of it. Rambling old drunk. Madder by the minute, more racist by the hour.https://t.co/QLbckGPwcE
— The Allotment Raider (@Husker_Ju) May 9, 2019
Sick. Just plain sick.
Hi, Paddy!
One of the comments in the original Twitter thread was, “Comfortably dumb.”
Sure Happy It’s Thursday, Gerbil Nation! Good morning, Fatwa, and Sven!
Let’s see if I can get caught up on paperwork, emails, and phone calls, after two days of being out of the office.
ものすごい技術だけど、すっっっごいくだらない。最高。Guy Catches Laptop With His Butt https://t.co/UclBaf8r2a pic.twitter.com/EMJDew3KHo — ヤギの人(ゐうさい) (@yusai00) May 8, 2019
ものすごい技術だけど、すっっっごいくだらない。最高。Guy Catches Laptop With His Butt https://t.co/UclBaf8r2a pic.twitter.com/EMJDew3KHo
— ヤギの人(ゐうさい) (@yusai00) May 8, 2019
Just think of the ad campaign in Japan -- “The new MSI X-series laptop is so thin, you can catch it with your butt!” -- followed by all sorts of video clips of things you don’t want to see.
Add some humiliating stuff and it could be a new Japanese game show.
Could we get require Congress to participate? If we put it on pay-per-view we might make a dent in the national debt.
Happy Lamentation Of Their Catlings Thursday, Wheelizens!
Hope it’s a shorter schlep, Paddy.
Nope. It’s twice the drive -- out past Palm Springs. The school will be putting me up for the night, though.
The sounds of silence, eh?
Wha’? I couldn’t hear that.
Oh…hello SvenBonk my old friend.
Hey, Roger Waters: drop dead, you demented POS.
Sick. Just plain sick.
Hi, Paddy!
One of the comments in the original Twitter thread was, “Comfortably dumb.”
Sure Happy It’s Thursday, Gerbil Nation!
Good morning, Fatwa, and Sven!
Let’s see if I can get caught up on paperwork, emails, and phone calls, after two days of being out of the office.
Just think of the ad campaign in Japan -- “The new MSI X-series laptop is so thin, you can catch it with your butt!” -- followed by all sorts of video clips of things you don’t want to see.
Add some humiliating stuff and it could be a new Japanese game show.
Could we
getrequire Congress to participate? If we put it on pay-per-view we might make a dent in the national debt.