Teh Squeaky Wheel
Hahahahahahahaha…very droll, Mac. 🙂
Happy Caturday, Wheelizens!
I’m kind o’ hoping the increasing friction between the various wings of the Dems generates enough heat to cause open flames.
Because #BTFSTTG.
I’m right with you there, Fatwa.
Happy Saturday, GN! I’m off to work for a bit -- hopefully for half a day only. It’s only fair as I don’t have a lawn to mow.
Heya, Sven!
It’s only fair as I don’t have a lawn to mow.
I hope it’s only a half-day at Teh Bestest Place Evar for you.
Happy Caturday, Gerbil Nation! Good morning, Fatwa, and Sven!
In re the thread-pic: there’s one in every crowd -- both the one that pees in the pool, and the one who tattles.
Sven -- enjoy your day. Not everyone gets to work at the Bestest Place Evar!
Fatwa -- I think I’ll stock up on popcorn.
My goodness. 40K customers w/out power in NYC. It’s the end days.
And Mayor DiBlasio is nowhere to be found.
Hahahahahahahaha…very droll, Mac. 🙂
Happy Caturday, Wheelizens!
I’m kind o’ hoping the increasing friction between the various wings of the Dems generates enough heat to cause open flames.
Because #BTFSTTG.
I’m right with you there, Fatwa.
Happy Saturday, GN! I’m off to work for a bit -- hopefully for half a day only. It’s only fair as I don’t have a lawn to mow.
Heya, Sven!
I hope it’s only a half-day at Teh Bestest Place Evar for you.
Happy Caturday, Gerbil Nation!
Good morning, Fatwa, and Sven!
In re the thread-pic: there’s one in every crowd -- both the one that pees in the pool, and the one who tattles.
Sven -- enjoy your day. Not everyone gets to work at the Bestest Place Evar!
Fatwa -- I think I’ll stock up on popcorn.
My goodness. 40K customers w/out power in NYC. It’s the end days.
And Mayor DiBlasio is nowhere to be found.