Waiting for some British imam to declare that narwhal tusks or fire extinguishers are haram, making their use against Yusuf bin Stabbi some sort of anti-Muslim hate crime. (Because they’re always the victims when carp like this happens.)
I wonder who in Biden’s campaign dreamed up the “No malarkey” theme? “Malarkey” is probably the most searched term on teh google cuz there’s no one under the age of 50 that knows what it means.
It is nice though, that the man who called Obamacare a “big fuckin’ deal” has toned down his vulgarity. Unfortunately, the word “malarkey” probably has its origins in white privilege or some such thing.
Brobdingnagian Kitteh Sunday greetin’s, Wheelizens!
If you’ve ever wanted a narwhal tusk walking stick, here’s your opportunity:
Waiting for some British imam to declare that narwhal tusks or fire extinguishers are haram, making their use against Yusuf bin Stabbi some sort of anti-Muslim hate crime. (Because they’re always the victims when carp like this happens.)
They’ll be a run now on hunting and harvesting narwhals for their tusks.
Hi, Fatwa -- happy first day of December, GN! Hope you got some sleep last night, Dv8.
I finally did.
I wonder who in Biden’s campaign dreamed up the “No malarkey” theme? “Malarkey” is probably the most searched term on teh google cuz there’s no one under the age of 50 that knows what it means.
I just wonder how long sl(cr)eepy Joe can avoid malarkey.
It is nice though, that the man who called Obamacare a “big fuckin’ deal” has toned down his vulgarity. Unfortunately, the word “malarkey” probably has its origins in white privilege or some such thing.
SJW backlash in 3 2 1…
Joe Biden to Cornpop: No malarkey, now!!
A blessed Sabbath, Gerbil Nation!
Good morning, Fatwa, and Sven!
dv8 -- I hope you were able to get some sleep last night and that you’ll be able to stay awake in church.
I wonder how long it will be before Brits are forced to defend themselves with bags of pork rinds?
I’m currently awake in church:)
Hi, Sven and Paddy!
I s’pose “no malarkey” is just another example of Joe being Joe.
What a maroon.
Or pork bangers / bacon. Which will be called a hate crime. (But using the same stuff on Joooos will be just fine.)
I, too, hope dv8 got some rest last night.
I did, thanks.