Rasser*frasser * not lettin’ me know if he got there alright…… it’s almost as though it’s a working trip he’s on and my little bent wand doesn’t scare him a’tall…
No serious issues getting to L.A.; was exhausted last night and crashed at 20:00 local time. Woke up about 04:30, which was fine. Gonna go to bed early-ish again tonight and should have my circadian stuff reasonably sorted-out by tomorrow.
Unexpectedly busy day today; tomorrow should be nicer.
Good morning, GN! Happy Monday!
Good evening, Sven.
Best. Zzzzz
Happy Monday, Gerbil Nation!
Good morning, Sven!
Airborne snakes? No thank you!
I hope Fatwa has a safe trip out West.
Good mumblemumblemumble, Gerbils!
I’m feelin’ a bit funny like. As though my morning was a bit off…like sumthin’ was missing.
Hi, Harper!
Something was missing? Perhaps sleep? Circadian rhythms? Fatwa?
That’s it!
Rasser*frasser * not lettin’ me know if he got there alright…… it’s almost as though it’s a working trip he’s on and my little bent wand doesn’t scare him a’tall…
Nice to see you, Paddy.
I hope you had a pleasant day. This is just a run by on my way to sleeping but I’m glad I got to see you! Take care, Sir.
Bummer. Oscar ratings down. Sniff.
Greetings from Camarillo, CA, GN.
No serious issues getting to L.A.; was exhausted last night and crashed at 20:00 local time. Woke up about 04:30, which was fine. Gonna go to bed early-ish again tonight and should have my circadian stuff reasonably sorted-out by tomorrow.
Unexpectedly busy day today; tomorrow should be nicer.
See y’all sometime tomorrow.
Glad to hear you got here and are settling in. Glad too that you let us know, otherwise you’d be a dog-faced pony soldier.