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Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

Happy Mid-Week Day, Wheelizens!

Go Joey Choo-Choo!!1!

train wreck.gif
Just Sven
4 years ago

Geez, it’s only Wednesday? That sucks. Good morning, Fatwa.

Just Sven
4 years ago

Still waiting for the official announcement of who replaces our missing throuple as rep for the 25th district. Likely that we are replacing one blonde lefty slut with another.

Just Sven
4 years ago

And Warren let me down. Thought she’d at least take her own state and pick up enough of the vote out here to make this at least a three way race, but nooooooooo.

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

Hi, Sven!

I didn’t share the “parting gifts” from you and Mrs. Sven with LambiePieK until last night; please know they were warmly appreciated.

Much butthurt from many on the Left over Super Tuesday; good!

I expect massive internecine squabbling in the DNC for the next six months; also good. đź‘ż

Paddy O'Furnijur
4 years ago

Happy Wednesday, Gerbil Nation!
Good morning, Fatwa, and Sven!

I haven’t checked the results of Super-Dooper Tuesday yet, but last night it sounded like Joe Bribem won big. It’s good to know that most Dem voters don’t want an avowed Socialist for president.

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

Hi, Paddy!

I suppose a demented mostly-socialist big government scumbag’s a slight improvement over a deranged, unabashed socialist scumbag, but the difference seems like hair-splitting to me.

Paddy O'Furnijur
4 years ago

Well, the presidential debates should be interesting, especially if Joe continues his not so slow descent into senility.

Just Sven
4 years ago

Good evening, GN! Many sad Bernie people at work today.

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist
Reply to  Just Sven


sad bernie.jpg
Just Sven
4 years ago

And shucks. On the other hand, the other lefties seem to be excited. Once again, now that they are “united” Trump is done.

Paddy O'Furnijur
4 years ago

I think Bernie needs more fiber in his diet.

Paddy O'Furnijur
4 years ago
Reply to  Just Sven

I’ve always thought Bernie people were sad.

Just Sven
4 years ago

As far as I can tell, no one has won to be our House representative- it’s down to a Republican, Mike Garcia, and a Dem -- Christy Smith. Which mean another special election in May to see who serves out the remainder of throuple’s terms -- a whole 8 months. And then these face off again in November to for the full two-year term.

Wasn’t there a Star Trek episode called The Trouble with Throuples?

Paddy O'Furnijur
4 years ago
Reply to  Just Sven

Wasn’t there a Star Trek episode called The Trouble with Throuples?

I think you’re right, Sven. I think that was the one where Kirk couldn’t decide between himself, Spock, and Uhura; himself, Sulu, and Yeoman Rand; himself, McCoy, and some random alien; or a rotating sequence of any two from all of the above. I think his salad days ended when he had trouble with Klingons.

Just Sven
4 years ago

An interesting article on Steve Earle: Socialist Steve Earle: Stop Demonizing Trump Supporters


It’s interesting to me only because I used to be a huge Steve Earle fan. My opinion? Talk to me in 20 years. You’ve demonized my views and mocked my beliefs for the last 20 years, so even if your outreach is sincere, I’m not that interested.

Just Sven
4 years ago

Since it’s a slow night here on teh wheel, I’ll indulge myself with a trip back down memory lane and suck up some virtual space.

Just Sven
4 years ago

Digging through my Steve Earle notes, I saved this from 2004. This first part is a letter from his record company.

--a message to Steve Earle fans from Artemis Records CEO, Danny Goldberg:

We need your help. Steve Earle’s new album “The Revolution Starts…Now” is a masterpiece but, as you know, Steve makes music that comes from his heart without any regard to commercial radio formulas, so we always have a tough job in getting his music heard to a big audience. What’s more, this new album is very political, so much so that Michael Moore has licensed the title song for inclusion in the DVD of “Fahrenheit 911.” Some of the media we generally rely on are nervous about this during an election year. And, of course, Artemis is an indie label. We are not part of any multi billion dollar international corporation. We have a passionate hard-working staff, but there are only a couple of dozen of us compared to the hundreds who work for the majors…

Just Sven
4 years ago

This was my response.

Dear Mr. Goldberg,

I’ve been a dedicated Steve Earle fan ever since I first heard Copperhead Road while driving in my truck up above Santa Barbara in 1988. I own everything he has ever recorded, have the video of Transcendental Blues, his collection of short stories, his biography, etc. The album he recorded with Guy Clark and Townes Van Zandt (Live at the Bluebird CafĂ©) is one of my all-time favorites.

Since 1988, I’ve seen Steve Earle perform live over a dozen times in the southern California area. My wife and I went to some great shows in Hollywood, some lasting close to three hours, at clubs like the Roxy, the Troubadour, the Palace, and the House of Blues on Sunset. We sat through an embarrassing show at McCabe’s Guitar Shop in Santa Monica when Earle showed up two hours late, too wasted to perform. That night he was so fucked up he was only able to finish one song (Cocaine Cannot Kill My Pain) in an hour set before mercifully giving it up and staggering offstage. But hey, we were the first in line when he toured again years later (after his jail stint and rehab) with the Bluegrass Dukes and as a solo act.

My point? I’m not a casual fan. Add it up; we’ve spent probably $1,200 on Steve Earle “stuff” and shows over the years. That’s just us; that doesn’t include the friends we took with us to shows who had never heard of Steve Earle, but that afterwards went out and bought more of his CDs.

Would I have bought his new CD? Yeah, probably, although I haven’t much cared for the direction and quality of his last couple of studio albums. Will I buy it now? NO FUCKING WAY, not after reading your message. If you want to link up Steve Earle with that fool Michael Moore, and Earle wants to promote his music that way, go ahead. Moore’s success has proved that there really is a sucker born every minute, and you might just make this CD the most financially successful Steve Earle album ever. But count me and my wallet out.

Steve Earle use to be a great musician with political views. Now he’s just another activist with an axe to grind, who happens to be a musician.

Paddy O'Furnijur
4 years ago
Reply to  Just Sven

Well said, Sven!

4 years ago
Reply to  Just Sven

Don’t be (read here: “consider not being”) too harsh on Steve, or any other ordinary person turned celebrity. Marxist handlers got their hooks in him, and others, long ago, and those are the people who are the real objects of my ire--such as it may be.

These handlers show up even when you have a minimum of fame. They started showing up on my poetry blog when I hit around 10,000 subscribers (I think it’s now at 30k, even though I’ve haven’t been posting for a few years)

They subtly try to turn you to the left, or left causes. They poke you gently to discover how far they might turn you if you seem resistant.

If this happened at that level to me, it’s hard to imagine what evil is brought to bear on real celebrities.

Anyway, those people are the real enemies, and we rarely, if ever, know who they are.

For example in Leo DiCaprio’s case, there are some clues as to her identity, but quite often, it’s hard to identify them.

Still… what logically MUST be there IS there whether we can identify it or not.

The real villain is most likely NOT Steve himself, but rather someone who did this TO Steve.