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4 years ago

Happy Sunday, wheelies!!!

I did some reworking of the audio from my last video. I’m inserting it here for technical contrast to the last version. On Saturday’s thread is a description of how it is different. Anyway, here it is:


4 years ago
Reply to  dv8

here’s the bitchute version for comparison. Also new and improved, According to my good headphones it sounds pretty clear.

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

Happy (I Think) Sunday, GN!

Hi, dv8!

The embedded YT video sounds pretty durned good. The Bitchute version’s really glitchy on my end; that “slapback echo” thing’s happening again but with a lot more noise.


The finer points of digital audio are voodoo to me so I can’t provide any sort of guess as to what I’m hearing; sorry.

Pianoteq sure does sound good; we’ve come a long way from ’80s sampling technology. 😉

Mac --

I enjoyed the brief history of domesticated kittehs. If only there were a breed which could rid us of vermin like politicians and bureaucrats. Without, y’know, having to toss them manually into lion or tiger enclosures. 👿

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

Holy crap…this bug-eyed goon needs to be taken out. With prejudice.

Just Sven
4 years ago

Forget about it, Jake. It’s Chicago.

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist
Reply to  Just Sven

Hi, Sven!

No shit, man.

Makes me wistful for the days of Mike Bilandic, Jane Byrne or even Harold Washington.

Paddy O'Furnijur
4 years ago

A blessed Sabbath, Gerbil Nation!
Good morning, dv8, Fatwa, and Sven!

dv8 -- the youtube version sounds really good.

Fatwa -- Mayor LIghtfoot is all about saving lives, except for those lives lost to the daily gang violence in Chicago. It’s almost as if she understands that the criminal element aren’t under her control, so the only ones left to fulfill her authoritarian dreams are the law-abiding.

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

Hi, Paddy!

Da Mayor is also extry-special; she was allowed to get a haircut (!!) a couple of weeks ago -- while nobody else in teh Windy City is permitted to -- because she’s so terribly important.

I’m sort of surprised that, thus far, no wannabe domestic tyrants have really become familiar with the 2A, IYKWIMAITTYD.

4 years ago

Fatwa: Thank you so much for the input. The Bitchute thing seems to have something to do with what hardware you”re listening on. But yeah, Bitchute is not as relyable a platform.

ALSO Fatwa: When you worked for Alesis, was it in the VHS ADAT days? Funny. I just went to their site and they have a lot of stuff but nothing any more for recording.

My Pathological Liar friend used to have a couple of them back when he mysteriously had a bunch of money. Which, of course, I never got a straight story on where all that money came from. ( I’m guessing an inheritance, but I’ll never know for sure.) But by then, people were already using Mac’s to record in home studios, so I’m not sure why he had them. That was back when a 1.2 gig hard drive cost $1000. So I don’t remember the time frame exactly, but it would probably have been the early 90s. By the mid-late 90s, 1.2 gig was more or less the standard size…

Anyway, curious when that was?