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Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

Happy “Woman Bites Dog” Friday, GN!

Lots of JimCo loose ends to tidy-up today; whee! Like our response re Ms. Doofus’ non-roofing issue.

Tell her to close the window, then the water won’t get in.

Heh. Given the top-notch construction of this particular HOA, I’m sure that’ll work. (See bottom of window frame in first pic.)

OTOH, I also get to do the final invoice for a commercial building re-roof where we had to also seal 375 brackets for solar panels. We seal penetrations through flat roofs with multiple layers of the heat-welded roof membrane, not by slapping some mastic or other sealant around them. (See second pic.)

I’ve got some extra cash due for that one; yay!


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Paddy O'Furnijur
4 years ago

Happy Friday, Gerbil Nation!
Good morning, Fatwa!

Fatwa -- those are a couple of good pics. One showing shoddy workmanship, and the other a proper and professional job. That’s a lot of roof penetrations!

In reading the news, I see that Gov. Nuisance is threatening cuts to education and social services if the Feds don’t cough up more money to “rescue” the states. When you dig through the numbers, you learn that the $54.3 billion budget hole isn’t as large as they’re making it out to be. The proposed budget is about 5% lower than the current budget and eliminates popular programs like health insurance for illegal aliens. Of course the government always threatens schools and public safety, never the redundant and unnecessary government agencies. I really hope Pres. Trump tells CA to pound sand.

Just Sven
4 years ago

Agreed -- we deserve to get what we’ve wrought and get it good and hard. I imagine that CA will be floating the usual “temporary” increases on sales, income, and gas taxes pretty soon. I’ll start listening to them when they also announce a 25% reduction in all state employee pensions payouts. For the children.

Just Sven
4 years ago

Good morning Fatwa, and Paddy. Happy ____day.

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

Hi, Paddy and Sven!

Most of those penetrations (382, to be precise) are for solar panels, which they’ve already started installing.

Sven --

I hope I’m still around the day CA tells all of the LEO and Corrections goons they’re getting a “haircut” whether they want one or not. :evil:.

Just Sven
4 years ago

Yes, it’s only fair.

Just Sven
4 years ago

I’m constantly amused by patterico. His take on the current Flynn mess is that releasing the unmasking information is really bad. Not that members of the Obama administration did it, but that Trump cronies released the names of those that requested it. His take on orangemanbad is “Yup. What garbage. This administration is incredibly corrupt and dishonest. The sweaty air of despair is palpable.”

I used to read him regularly, but I don’t recall him being incensed during the Obama years over the IRS/Tea Party, VA, Fast & Furious, or any of the other “non” scandals of that administration.

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist
Reply to  Just Sven

You pretty much summed-up why I quit reading him years ago; turned out he was just another hack.

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist
Reply to  Mac

Hi, Mac!

Hope that you and Elena are well; Brenda says, “hey!” to you both.

4 years ago
Reply to  Mac

Hi Mac! Good to see you. I don’t really understand Trump Derangement Syndrome. I even remember when everyone basically like him, back before he ran for office.

It’s an amazing accomplishment that an outsider has become president. I’m impressed by that alone, if not that he actually converted a lot of people to his side of things.

People like Ben Shapiro were actually surprised that he governs as more of a true conservative than anyone expected. I know a lot of people who didn’t vote for him last time, are going to vote for him this time. I encounter such people all the time.

It’s odd that the Dems have managed to find a worse candidate than Hillary to run against him.

No Malarkey Joe. Maybe better would be “Don’t be a Weisen… Als…Bidenheimer!”

Just Sven
4 years ago

The never-Trumpers like to think that those of us that support or prefer him over the left are in love with everything the man says or does mostly because they just hate everything he says or does without exception. That’s not me. Trump has his faults and he’s clearly not a true conservative in his outlook or actions, but he’s still a better option than what the Dems put up.

I’m more than happy to tolerate his character flaws as long as the alternative is so much worse. And as long as Trump’s supporters are characterized as worse than Hitler, I’m happy enough to hate that side right back.

I noticed too in the patterico comments that some are going after The Last Refuge/Conservative Treehouse. Tell you what, Sundance and those guys have been right more often than they’ve been wrong regarding Trump not to mention the whole Trayvon Martin debacle.

4 years ago
Reply to  Just Sven

Plus, all politics aside, Trump is funny as hell! People who think he’s an idiot are constantly getting pwned by him--which is also funnier n’shit!

Just Sven
4 years ago

Residing within LA County’s borders, teh bestest place ever announced it unlikely that we return to its offices before July 15. Mixed feelings on that, but as long as they keep paying me, OK.

Just Sven
4 years ago

Kind of enjoying this guy.

Just Sven
4 years ago

The Thunderbirds are about due to fly over our area -- getting a beer and then going outside. Maintaining proper social distancing, of course.

Paddy O'Furnijur
4 years ago
Reply to  Just Sven

We got a glimpse of them earlier today. They were probably 5 miles away and low on the horizon.

Just Sven
4 years ago

Same here -- distant view and only in sight for maybe 6-7 seconds.

Paddy O'Furnijur
4 years ago
Reply to  Just Sven

They flew right over my cow-worker’s home she got a few second video of the flyover.

4 years ago

These HOA places often don’t have good roofs, do they. At least we have decent overhangs. And there’s our herb garden, such as it is.

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist
Reply to  dv8

Some HOAs I’ve seen have great roofs; others not so good.

Spanish-style tile roofs are quite good assuming they’re properly installed (including the underlayment, which is actually the primary moisture barrier). Your place looks like many around SoCal.

Nice that you’ve got an herb garden; fresh stuff is a goodness. 😉

4 years ago

we used to grow more stuff. a couple of years, I even brought the herbs inside for the winter. It’s a PITA, tho, but you can have a lot of fresh herbs all winter long. I just hung some florescent lights and it was just good enough to keep it all alive for the winter, until it was warm enough to put it all back outside.

Our parsley survived the winter this year though so All I have to do now, is make sure to cut all the blooms when they come up, or else it will die.

4 years ago

Someone posted the original “Liar” the other day. I remember this version:


I remember it well, because it was a pretty big hit back then. I never realized it was a cover.

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist
Reply to  dv8

I recall that version, too; also didn’t know it was a cover. (But there was a lot of music my peers listened to which didn’t much interest me even as a kid. I’ve always been a bit of an elitist pr¡ck.) 😉

4 years ago

As a tyke, I liked Edgar Winter, strangely, and as I became interested in Jazz he started showing more his Jazz influence in later albums.

Then I discovered Gentle Giant and thought they were superior to most prog rock. Although, there were a few others I liked back then,

After that, I started liking prog jazz and prog jazz rock bands. I got everything I wanted from that. Olympian players, loud music, and complex enough to be interesting to a musician.

After that, I started playing classical music again. Bach especially.

Back in teh 70ies, I didn’t like most popular music, but I do remember it very well. Also, I played in a few bands that played popular stuff at the time. Playing it was more fun than listening, back then.

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist
Reply to  dv8

I dug Edgar Winter, too. “Roadwork” came out right around my 16th birfday and the then-excellent local “underground FM” station in Cleveland- WMMS -- played the entire version of “Tobacco Road” (probably so they could sneak outside and smoke a joint).

Was pretty impressed with Winter’s vocal, sax and keyboard chops (except that hideous-sounding RMI electric piano). And then at the end of that same year, “Frankenstein” hit pretty hard.

Also liked Gentle Giant, ELP’s first two LPs and some of the other Euro-prog like Ekseption, Focus, etc. But I was a lot more interested in jazz, funk amd classical then many of my contemporaries. (Several of whom -- on the “orchestra nerd” side -- have made their livings playing in orchestras all over the planet.)

Fun fact: The very last band I had in L.A. lost our drummer -- Rick Latham -- to Edgar Winter about three weeks before our very first gig. Being a total pro and a good lad, Rick found us a good sub who applied himself and the first gig went okay. 😉

4 years ago

Saw Gentle Giant live a few times back in 70s as a Highschooler. The first show, although in the round, at celebrity theater in Phoenix, was the most awesome. Gary Green dressed as Peter Pan (or the Jolly Green Giant), Derrick Shulman dressed like a Wizard. It was amazing! They kept switching instruments and managed to do a live show that rivaled all the overdubbing that they did in studio without any extra musicians.

I spent those few hours totally out of time. It was probably the best concert I’ve ever been to. That was around when “Free Hand” was new.

4 years ago

Firing up my good laptop for the first time in a while. Yeah… Battery is at ZERO. Been a long time. Like four months. Longer, maybe.

4 years ago
Reply to  dv8

There’s gonna be a lot of updates.

Paddy O'Furnijur
4 years ago
Reply to  dv8


4 years ago

On teh back porch with teh laptop. Nice day. Doing updates.

4 years ago

by the way, if any of you use Brave and want a dissenter plugin, There is Harambe’s tool kit which somehow managed to exist on the Chrome store. I have the original plugins on my other browsers, but decided to try Harambe on my my laptop. It’s pretty cool, gives you instant access to archive.org and archive.is and dissenter, for leaving comments where no comments are permitted.

It works great with Brave. You can earn a bit of crypto using Brave also, and you can also easily demonetize the deplatformers such as Google, Twitter, Facebook, etc.

Dissenter requires a gab account and allows you to post your Dissents to Gab at the same time. I really want it to catch on.

Leftists deplatformers are doing what they can to kill it. But it is really a very good idea, everyone, left and right should support it because your speech can’t be censored when you use it.

4 years ago

Okay. This just came to me in a daydream:

4 years ago

First round of windows updates going in.

4 years ago
Reply to  dv8

Second round. Some drivers…

Just Sven
4 years ago

Was there ever a better rock period than the mid-60’s to like 1985 or so? If I had to pick one decade as the best, it would be the 70’s.

4 years ago
Reply to  Just Sven

I agree. Especially compositionally. Nowadays, most hits are written by the same 3 ghost producers.

Just Sven
4 years ago
Reply to  dv8

I’ve tried to explain the difference of FM radio to the kids nowadays, but they just don’t get it. If you had a good deejay, like a Jim Ladd, that added insight to the song or artist, you’d listen with rapt attention and appreciation. That you could listen to an LA rock station in the seventies and on one station you’d hear songs from Black Sabbath, Stevie Wonder, CSNY, Skynyrd, the Stones, Yes, Cat Stevens, Bob Seger, Bob Dylan, War, Lou Reed, Jethro Tull, ELP, Genesis, the Who, Deep Purple, the Allman Brothers, the Doobie Brothers, etc. That the “rock” umbrella was so huge that all these bands fit under it. You weren’t just stuck in a niche like you seem to be nowadays.

Music has become every bit as tribal as everything else today. And that’s too bad.

Paddy O'Furnijur
4 years ago
Reply to  Just Sven

I miss Jim Ladd and what he added to the listening experience.