I saw Electric Chicken open for Gentle Giant at the Cleveland Music Hall in (I think) 1972.
I’ve found the trend of taking selfies or shooting cell phone video of violent and/or criminal activity to be a puzzlement. Not just because -- as Sven put it -- they seem to think their camera’s some sort of protective talisman…but because they’ll video some poor schumck getting the snot stomped out of them by a crowd of people and do nothing to try and stop the assault.
But hey…nobody needs high-cap magazines.
Thus far, honest gun owners across this nation have demonstrated amazing self restraint. I think that’s gonna change any day now, and the results will be, erm, unpleasant.
And much of the onus will be on our utter shite “leadership” at every level across this country for failing to do their damned jobs.
I’ve been engaging a bit more with lies and stupidity on FB lately. Usually I just let things pass, but at some point you just have to speak up. For example, when a friend posts that Defund the Police doesn’t actually mean completely defund the police, I shared an article that quoted a group saying, yeah, we mean exactly that. I then get lectured that I’m missing the point. Or a young, transgender man I know from church posts that the Trump administration has just denied healthcare to LGBT persons and if you support Trump you hate LGBT+ people, no questions asked. I responded that a federal court struck down a previous regulation and HHS had to craft a new one that followed the law. What did you expect them to do? Of course I’m told that he was not blaming HHS. When I ask what healthcare is being denied, I get the “I could answer, but I’m tired of this” response. Last night, my former choir director (who was named Lesbian of the Year several years ago and whom I unfriended on FB many years ago because of her far left, hate-filled rants) directed a comment on that thread towards me. I wrote a response, revised it a couple of times, then settled on “X has said he’s done with this post, I’m going to honor his wishes.” Later, a post from a former student discussed how Dylann Roof was treated with kid gloves by the police, unlike Freddy Gray or Michael Brown. I crafted a post that addressed the factual errors, re-wrote it a few times, then finally said eff this. It just isn’t worth the effort. The truth doesn’t matter to the Left. Facts don’t matter.
Yeah, I’m not in a good mood and it’s too early to start drinking.
Agreed. (I don’t reflexively side with cops, either.)
Just a couple of weeks ago, when an APD officer used a Taser on someone (which was, IMO, completely unwarranted), another local prosecutor stated that under GA law, Tasers are considered “deadly weapons”.
If that’s the case, the cops were legally justified in shooting Rayshard Brooks. He was not shot until after he aimed the Taser at the cop.
So sometimes… Something has you so vexed or traumatized that you find it hard to put into words.
Sometimes, it’s something else entirely. I’ve actually told the Lawyer story a few times IRL to actual people that I’m face to face with.
I don’t know exactly why I’m having so much trouble relating it to you all. It really is quite funny:
Here are the main points. I will elaborate when the mood strikes me.
So after getting the run around from one attorney after another with them all telling me “I don’t do that kind of LawBaw Stuff, but here’s someone you can call.”
Eventually one of them said “here go to this attorney. She does this kind of lawbaw stuff.
So I called her (of the strange name that I couldn’t quite put my finger on) and got a byzantine voicemail system.
So since the office was close by, I decided to just go there and see what was what. Her associate was there--a lady that only did trusts and estate planning.
So she said she’d contact the attorney of the strange name for me and I should get a text from her.
So I go home and receive a text after a while. Basically she said she could see me at 11 the next day. I answer back “great,” and that I’ll be paying in cash if we actually transact something. Then I got no text back.
So I show up the next day at 10 til 11am. I wait for a while. and then I ask the associate… and show her my text transaction and ask her… if she thinks it means I made an appointment or not?
She said okay, she’d better call Strange Name and see what was up. Then she comes back and says, “Okay, well she’ll be here in a few minutes.”
So evidently she lives very close by.
So I wait another five minutes, and I see this reflection in the window of what I think is a white haired lady….
At that point I have a brief moment of calm. I think:
“A white haired lady… Okay I can deal with that….”
Then she comes in.
So what I saw in reflection was full Islamic Garb. And I’m like…. “Ok… fine… I can cope with that… I can cope…”
She’s wearing a Covid Mask and tells me they’re doing the distancing thing as much as possible.
Female voice. Definitely Female eyes. Well Groomed wearing makeup. So far I’m fine.
Then I notice the beard sticking out from underneath the mask. It’s long and scraggly.
Yes. Having a fallback job in the side show is an excellent career move. Always good to keep your options open.
I say: “okay……….”
She says: “we can use this conference room.”
I said “oh….. kaaaay…..”
Then I said: “I’m ah… going now…. ” and I left.
Thing is, I was also kinda trying these attorneys out because I might need some complicated corporate style legal work done in the near future.
The beard was a bridge too far for me. I just can’t picture myself saying “Okay so lets set up this dummy corporation….” to the Bearded Lady(tm) and not give the “Chris Vedder Laugh”(tm)
Like I’m wondering why she doesn’t trim it so it doesn’t stick out from underneath the Commie-19 mask.
Like does the scraggly-ness of it mean she breaks it with acid because the koran says not to cut it????
WTF is going on!!!!!!!
I can’t take it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I wonder how many times a month someone just walks out like I did. How much $250/hour feelthy looocre is she missing out on because she doesn’t want electrolysis.
Thing is: I expect a female attorney--or any attorney, for that matter--to wear business attire and be otherwise unremarkable in appearance.
I don’t fully understand the confluence of events that have to come together to produce that particular result.
Maybe he/she is transgender, although which way he/she is identifying is anybody’s guess. Or maybe zir is multi-gender or gender fluid, or transmission fluid. Who knows!
It’s Electro-Avian Wednesday; yay!!
I saw Electric Chicken open for Gentle Giant at the Cleveland Music Hall in (I think) 1972.
I’ve found the trend of taking selfies or shooting cell phone video of violent and/or criminal activity to be a puzzlement. Not just because -- as Sven put it -- they seem to think their camera’s some sort of protective talisman…but because they’ll video some poor schumck getting the snot stomped out of them by a crowd of people and do nothing to try and stop the assault.
But hey…nobody needs high-cap magazines.
Thus far, honest gun owners across this nation have demonstrated amazing self restraint. I think that’s gonna change any day now, and the results will be, erm, unpleasant.
And much of the onus will be on our utter shite “leadership” at every level across this country for failing to do their damned jobs.
Fookin’ depressing, it is. And a bit terrifying.
Happy Wednesday, GN, and good morning, Fatwa.
Reading today’s headlines, I don’t have a good feeling about the rest of this year.
Hi, Sven!
Welp…just read that the Aunt Jemima and Uncle Ben’s brands have been “cancelled”; not kidding.
In the pancake syrup marketing world, Mrs. Butterworth will now be labeled a white supremacist, I suppose.
What a stupid age we live in.
“You will be made to care” -- truer words never written.
Happy Wednesday, Gerbil Nation!
Good morning, Fatwa, and Sven!
Aunt Jemima? Uncle Ben’s? Mrs. Butterworth? What’s next, canceling Log Cabin?
If I were black, I’d be laughing my ass off at the stupidity of white people.
I’ve been engaging a bit more with lies and stupidity on FB lately. Usually I just let things pass, but at some point you just have to speak up. For example, when a friend posts that Defund the Police doesn’t actually mean completely defund the police, I shared an article that quoted a group saying, yeah, we mean exactly that. I then get lectured that I’m missing the point. Or a young, transgender man I know from church posts that the Trump administration has just denied healthcare to LGBT persons and if you support Trump you hate LGBT+ people, no questions asked. I responded that a federal court struck down a previous regulation and HHS had to craft a new one that followed the law. What did you expect them to do? Of course I’m told that he was not blaming HHS. When I ask what healthcare is being denied, I get the “I could answer, but I’m tired of this” response. Last night, my former choir director (who was named Lesbian of the Year several years ago and whom I unfriended on FB many years ago because of her far left, hate-filled rants) directed a comment on that thread towards me. I wrote a response, revised it a couple of times, then settled on “X has said he’s done with this post, I’m going to honor his wishes.” Later, a post from a former student discussed how Dylann Roof was treated with kid gloves by the police, unlike Freddy Gray or Michael Brown. I crafted a post that addressed the factual errors, re-wrote it a few times, then finally said eff this. It just isn’t worth the effort. The truth doesn’t matter to the Left. Facts don’t matter.
Yeah, I’m not in a good mood and it’s too early to start drinking.
Hi, Sven and Paddy!
You could always make a trip to your local weed dispensary. 😉
In my case, they’re gonna have to try a hell of a lot harder.
I don’t reflexively side with the police, but I think the charges against Atlanta police officer Garrett Rolfe are mostly sad bullshit.
Agreed. (I don’t reflexively side with cops, either.)
Just a couple of weeks ago, when an APD officer used a Taser on someone (which was, IMO, completely unwarranted), another local prosecutor stated that under GA law, Tasers are considered “deadly weapons”.
If that’s the case, the cops were legally justified in shooting Rayshard Brooks. He was not shot until after he aimed the Taser at the cop.
I love how peaceful all these protests are. Not like those violent right-wing protests………………….
So sometimes… Something has you so vexed or traumatized that you find it hard to put into words.
Sometimes, it’s something else entirely. I’ve actually told the Lawyer story a few times IRL to actual people that I’m face to face with.
I don’t know exactly why I’m having so much trouble relating it to you all. It really is quite funny:
Here are the main points. I will elaborate when the mood strikes me.
So after getting the run around from one attorney after another with them all telling me “I don’t do that kind of LawBaw Stuff, but here’s someone you can call.”
Eventually one of them said “here go to this attorney. She does this kind of lawbaw stuff.
So I called her (of the strange name that I couldn’t quite put my finger on) and got a byzantine voicemail system.
So since the office was close by, I decided to just go there and see what was what. Her associate was there--a lady that only did trusts and estate planning.
So she said she’d contact the attorney of the strange name for me and I should get a text from her.
So I go home and receive a text after a while. Basically she said she could see me at 11 the next day. I answer back “great,” and that I’ll be paying in cash if we actually transact something. Then I got no text back.
So I show up the next day at 10 til 11am. I wait for a while. and then I ask the associate… and show her my text transaction and ask her… if she thinks it means I made an appointment or not?
She said okay, she’d better call Strange Name and see what was up. Then she comes back and says, “Okay, well she’ll be here in a few minutes.”
So evidently she lives very close by.
So I wait another five minutes, and I see this reflection in the window of what I think is a white haired lady….
At that point I have a brief moment of calm. I think:
“A white haired lady… Okay I can deal with that….”
Then she comes in.
So what I saw in reflection was full Islamic Garb. And I’m like…. “Ok… fine… I can cope with that… I can cope…”
She’s wearing a Covid Mask and tells me they’re doing the distancing thing as much as possible.
Female voice. Definitely Female eyes. Well Groomed wearing makeup. So far I’m fine.
Then I notice the beard sticking out from underneath the mask. It’s long and scraggly.
Yes. Having a fallback job in the side show is an excellent career move. Always good to keep your options open.
I say: “okay……….”
She says: “we can use this conference room.”
I said “oh….. kaaaay…..”
Then I said: “I’m ah… going now…. ” and I left.
Thing is, I was also kinda trying these attorneys out because I might need some complicated corporate style legal work done in the near future.
The beard was a bridge too far for me. I just can’t picture myself saying “Okay so lets set up this dummy corporation….” to the Bearded Lady(tm) and not give the “Chris Vedder Laugh”(tm)
Like I’m wondering why she doesn’t trim it so it doesn’t stick out from underneath the Commie-19 mask.
Like does the scraggly-ness of it mean she breaks it with acid because the koran says not to cut it????
WTF is going on!!!!!!!
I can’t take it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I wonder how many times a month someone just walks out like I did. How much $250/hour feelthy looocre is she missing out on because she doesn’t want electrolysis.
Thing is: I expect a female attorney--or any attorney, for that matter--to wear business attire and be otherwise unremarkable in appearance.
I don’t fully understand the confluence of events that have to come together to produce that particular result.
OK, now that’s funny. And thanks as I needed a laugh.
I wasn’t sure it would be funny : ) That’s why it took me a while to relate it. I have to read it over now and see if I think it’s funny.
Maybe he/she is transgender, although which way he/she is identifying is anybody’s guess. Or maybe zir is multi-gender or gender fluid, or transmission fluid. Who knows!