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Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

Punished Puppeh Wednesday greetings, GN!

Or were they all used up as human shields by their parents?

That’s after they were pressed for their blood to make matzo.

They have much more surface area after they’ve been flattened, making for better shields. 👿

It’s already a day here at CasaK. We’re having some major yard clean-up done today. Debris bin showed-up early and the Yukon wouldn’t start, so they had to put it on the street.

Thank goodness for AAA battery service, whom I’ll call after the a.m. commute winds down.

Gotta walk the scope-of-work with the foreman; mo’ later.

Just Sven
4 years ago

Good morning, Fatwa -- when do you fly out here?

Happy Wednesday, GN!

I was out and about yesterday and pulled up next to a VW Jetta. Didn’t VW make cars for the Nazis using slave labor during WWII? I wasn’t quite triggered by the VW logo, but I did fear for my safety.

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist
Reply to  Just Sven

Hey, Sven!

My flight’s on Saturday to BUR (yay!); job starts Monday.

Just Sven
4 years ago

Cool -- safe travels. Let me know if you’d like to get together when you have time.

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist
Reply to  Just Sven

Would be delighted to see you and Mrs. Sven while I’m there.

I’ll be there until 08/01, so I reckon we can sort out a mtutually-agreeable day pretty easily.

Just Sven
4 years ago

The Michael Flynn criminal saga comes to an end. Unfortunately, his reputation is destroyed and his finances are shot.

I hope he has some civil recourse to recover some of both and get a bit of payback.

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist
Reply to  Just Sven

I hope so, too.

Paddy O'Furnijur
4 years ago

Happy Wednesday, Gerbil Nation!
Good morning, Fatwa, and Sven!

Fatwa -- good luck with your yard clean-up.

Sven -- yes, Adolf Hitler was involved in the design and start-up of Volkswagen. Obviously the entire company needs to be canceled.

Just Sven
4 years ago

I see Trump is falling the polls behind Biden. That’s surprising, but I can understand some of the reasons for it. I am trying to come to terms with a President Biden, but it is difficult. The best I can do is think now it’s my turn to piss all over things.

It’s better sometimes to not try to work within the system.

4 years ago

Everyone!!! I did the big route again. Amazingly, Harper went with me again. We got it done much earlier this time. Gonna be a fat paycheck anyway.

I forgot my sunscreen. My face is red (I burn from just a few minutes of sun==pretty much like an albino.

Sitting in bed about to sleep, or at least nap after a 12+ hour shift.

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist


dv8 --

Fantastic that you and Harper got the route done…and much quicker to boot. Teh yay for fat paychecks!

Paddy --

Yard guys were going great guns until it started raining…but they got about 85% of the work done and will try again for tomorrow morning. Quite pleased so far. (The guy who owns the company and a couple of helpers replaced our front stairs / wee porch three years ago; once I saw how they did the footers and framing, I was confident they’d do a good job…and they did.)

Sven --

Remember…most polls in 2016 had Hillary kicking Trump’s ass. Right up until election night. Plus, I think a lot of folks like me -- who are going to hold their nose and vote for Trump -- are basically screwing with pollsters. I certainly will, if given the opportunity. 👿

Just Sven
4 years ago

Odd how a noose, no matter how far removed from an actual noose a hanging piece of rope may be, is a symbol of hatred and a threat, and yet burning the American flag is protected political speech.

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist
Reply to  Just Sven

Oh noes…we haz a “noose” attached to our garage door!!

And another one on the pull-down ladder for the garage loft!!1!

There’re probably guys wearing pointy white hoods in there, too. After all, we’re not that far from Stone Mountain…

Just Sven
4 years ago

If you haven’t already, look at AoS “Free People of Lansing” video. Absolutely amazing. And to think that a bunch of armed white guys peacefully protesting a few weeks ago and never once pointing a weapon at anyone, were called “terrorists” by the media and Dems. Fast forward, armed black guys, blocking a public road with the police looking on, can aim a rifle at a man, block his access and the cops do nothing.


I eagerly await an email from Everytown condemning this gun violence.

Paddy O'Furnijur
4 years ago
Reply to  Just Sven

Let me get you a beer while you wait. Full keg or half?

4 years ago

I’m just so glad to know all you guys. I just got up from my nap and thought I’d check in.

Nice that everyone is getting stuff done. Yard work, etc.

Fatwa: I wonder now, how many people are fucking with the polls at this point.

I think so many people did last time, for whatever reason. I know if a pollster called me, I’d probably say I was for Biden just to fuck with them.

I know especially people lied in exit polls also. I think they didn’t want to admit it to friends or family that they were with. I kind of understand that, especially if you think politics will ruin all your future family get togethers.

I myself, didn’t vote in 2016. I think Harper might not have either. We had other worries back then and it might have fallen through the cracks. But I was amazed when Trump won. And then I guess we both found out how entertaining the guy was. And started really liking him. Flaws and all.

So we voted in 2018--although it didn’t go our way in the house. And I hear a lot of people are voting for him that didn’t last time. I know it comes down to turn out and/or swing voters. But it really has come down to Freedom vs. Marxism at this point.

Paddy O'Furnijur
4 years ago
Reply to  dv8

Even with Trump winning in 2020, I think freedom is in for a tough ride. Our dear friend Backhoe may have had it right: tumbrels, offal throwing peasants, guillotines, heads on pikes at the foot of the causeway.

4 years ago

I remember Backhoe very well. He--and you--may well be right. Still civilization has moved on quite a bit so maybe it may not come to that.

I remember Rush Limbaugh used to say back in the late 80s, that the left gets crazier and crazier because they know they are losing. Even the modern zeitgeist has changed whereupon even young people make fun of SJW scolds. These people are a very vocal minority; I hope they will be laughed out of existence.

Just Sven
4 years ago

Biden has had an easy time of it, safely ensconced in his basement. Once people start seeing how addled he is, that may change a few minds. I don’t expect him to make public appearances until he announces his VP pick and my money is still on Kamala Harris.

It’s Trump’s election to lose.