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Paddy O'Furnijur
4 years ago

Happy Wednesday Firsties, Gerbil Nation!

My local water district has improved their smart meters and now can provide you with hourly usage rates (for the previous day), as well as leak alerts. Well, on Monday they sent me a leak alert. I checked usage and sure enough, water was being consumed even in the middle of the night. I checked everything I could think of an found a small leak at the front sprinkler valve. I replaced that yesterday, but I can still hear water running through the pipes. I’ve got somebody coming out this morning to find out where the leak is. It will probably mean rerouting a portion of the plumbing. Hopefully just a small portion.

Just Sven
4 years ago

Ugh. Bummer on the water leak, Paddy. Here’s hoping it won’t be a major headache.

Paddy O'Furnijur
4 years ago
Reply to  Just Sven

It looks like he’s going to have to cut a couple of holes in Teh Younger’s bedroom wall to run the new pipe. The lower part of the wall is custom wainscoting we put in a few years ago. There will be no way to completely patch that part -- it will always be visible. Fixing it right would require removing an entire section and rebuilding it. The drywall patching and painting I can handle myself. There will also be a hole in one bathroom, behind the mirror. Again, I can patch and paint that. Patching the hole behind the vanity will be more difficult, but I’m sure I can come up with a fix.

Just Sven
4 years ago

Oh. I thought it was a leak outside. Any major damage or you caught it soon enough?

Paddy O'Furnijur
4 years ago
Reply to  Just Sven

We caught it before any apparent damage was done. All we know is the leak was somewhere between point A and point B, encompassing a distance of about 20 ft. The guy needs to come back tomorrow to hook up the hot water line to the master bath, then I’ll need to patch the holes he made. If it wasn’t for the upgraded smart water meter we wouldn’t have known we had a leak.

Just Sven
4 years ago

I see CHAZ/CHOP is coming down. Watching some local Seattle news coverage of the event, and they seem to be lamenting that it’s ending.

Just Sven
4 years ago

Back to the old ways here in CA -- nonreusable bags are bad again.

Paddy O'Furnijur
4 years ago
Reply to  Just Sven

Bags bad, Chinese Lung Rot good.

Just Sven
4 years ago

Newsom is ordering a shutdown again -- bars, restaurants, and beaches. I’d be more inclined to listen to the cocksucker if he had said anything at all about masks and social distancing during the recent “unrest.”

Paddy O'Furnijur
4 years ago
Reply to  Just Sven

Agreed. I’m sure it’s just a coincidence that the shutdown is happening right before Independence Day celebrations.

Just Sven
4 years ago

Celebrating Independence Day, due to our inherent racism and other original sins, is much less important than marching in the streets for Juneteenth, gay pride, or rioting.

Just Sven
4 years ago

Watched that movie, The Hunt. It wasn’t bad. I mean, not great, but not any more outlandish than the dozen or so other movies I’ve seen where people hunt people.

Just Sven
4 years ago

FFS. And when the next active shooter shows up on an LA school campus????


The 4-3 vote also required officers to be taken off-campus and out of uniform until a district task force issues a report. The cuts will result in layoffs for 65 officers and the elimination of overtime and 39 vacant positions, KCBS-TV reported

“And hopefully we’ll grow the $25 million that we got tonight. Because there is more work to do,” said board member Mónica García, who wrote the resolution along with board member Jackie Goldberg, as EdSource reported. “And, I have to say out loud, the work of Black Lives Matter, of anti-racist policies, of equity, is before us.”

Go fuck yourself.