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Just Sven
4 years ago

Happy Friday, GN!

Paddy O'Furnijur
4 years ago

Happy Friday, Gerbil Nation!
Good morning, Sven!

The second day of the leadership academy went well. The presenter was excellent and could easily fill the remaining 8 sessions. Next week we’ll be looking at educationally related mental health services.

4 years ago

The Big Route is done. Total shift was 12.5 hours. Not sure why I’m telling you all this, but… well… there you are.

Harper wasn’t quite well enough to go with me, so I probably made more mistakes and had to backtrack a bit here and there. All in all, I did okay on it though. Time to get at least a nap.

Night night, Gerbils….


Just Sven
4 years ago
Reply to  dv8

Good on you, Dv8, and get some rest.

4 years ago
Reply to  Just Sven

I can use the money to by some major appliances.

Fukken ALL of ours are wearing out.

Paddy O'Furnijur
4 years ago
Reply to  dv8

And the next batch will just wear out sooner.

4 years ago


Just Sven
4 years ago

Hmmmmm. Mrs Sven’s employer is offering early retirement.

Paddy O'Furnijur
4 years ago
Reply to  Just Sven

To you or to Mrs. Sven?

Just Sven
4 years ago


Paddy O'Furnijur
4 years ago
Reply to  Just Sven

It sounds like it’s time to do some calculating.

Just Sven
4 years ago

Yeah. It’s not a great deal from what I’ve seen so far, but something to discuss.

Just Sven
4 years ago

Reading the polls and watching the cable news, I’ll be surprised if Trump gets a single vote in November.

Just Sven
4 years ago

Andrew Sullivan. Still hold the whole Trig-birtherism thing against him, but he wrote good farewell column:

Paddy O'Furnijur
4 years ago
Reply to  Just Sven

Good column, packed with more truths than the Left can handle.

4 years ago

The left has completely taken over Wikipedia.

So one current narrative is that the concept of Cultural Marxism is merely a conspiracy theory. The far left and academia and concomitant media have all embraced this idea in lockstep.

Therefore the Guardian, for example, will write articles referring to it as “the Conspiracy Theory of cultural Marxism.” Its wiki article also reflects this.

Wiki has long been unreliable on any subject “in on which” the Left weighs. (see what I did there?) The original idea of Wikipedia was a good one. and it seems to work well--just as long as Marxism isn’t a thing.

They all pile on Wiki as though they can change the truth--even in a free county. And… I’m not sure they’re wrong. They seem to have a strangle hold on the “official” truth. If President Trump thinks he can reverse this trend, I’m not sure he understands its scope.

By the time McCarthy did his HUAC hearings, it was pretty much too late. There were already Marxists in all levels of government, media, and academia, so McCarthy was unsuccessful. It has only gotten much worse since then.

We all feel like we’re spitting in the ocean going up against something so big it has no beginning or end. An ACTUAL conspiracy

--except, there can’t be a conspiracy without conspirators--

when the members of a movement could pass a REAL lie detector test claiming they are not members of such a conspiracy, then what are normal people to do?

And given this idea--the idea of emergent behavior--that a movement can have motivations of its own, how much am I, you, indeed EVERYONE WE KNOW, a part of that movement. How many Marxist tenets have EVEN WE accepted without realizing it? How much collectivism do we accept? How often do any of us say or think: “Well… THIS kind of [collectivism concept] is okay, but these other types…” And YES, I’m even talking about YOU, Wheelies. US.

We decry Marxism and yet we accept the “Free” education Marxism offers. We PAY 10s of thousands or 100s of thousands of dollars to BUY the higher education that Marxism provides. We implore our children to decry Marxism, but willingly send--and PAY to send--THEM to these same institutions.

This is a far reaching problem that is now over 100 years old in this country. Short of rounding up all the Marxists everywhere, I can’t see how to actually stop it. And once you’ve done that, you’ve become what you despise.

The people who fall for it are not really your enemy, anyway; it’s the idea that worms its way into people’s minds, brains, hearts, souls even.

Could Satan have come up with anything better? Something that HATES you--hates all of us--hates everything and everyone we love--and also demands and craves our love?

This idea acts as His body in the world--his arms and legs--his heart, His mind, his desires. There is no stopping it because it lives in all of us--even those of us who say we oppose it--who truly BELIEVE we oppose it.

If Satan is real, than Marxism is His crowning achievement. If, Satan is NOT real, then


4 years ago
Reply to  dv8

Or… perhaps, I could be coaxed to tell all y’all how I REALLY feel : )

Paddy O'Furnijur
4 years ago
Reply to  dv8

I’m not sure if I’m ready for that.

4 years ago


4 years ago

By the way, If any random “pollster” calls me and asks me who I’m voting for, I’m going to say “Biden.” I don’t want my name on some Marxist hit list.

I suspect that happened somewhat in 2016, particularly with exit polls (when people had other family members and friends with them) And… if this has occurred to me, it has probably occurred to others as well.

I would suggest others (uspec.) should do the same.

Paddy O'Furnijur
4 years ago
Reply to  dv8

Good suggestion.

4 years ago

also, re teh thread pic: Is that a nutria?

A suburb of Portland, OR is called “Beaverton” But there are no more beavers there. There are plenty of nutrias though. Perhaps it should be called “Nutriaton.”

Paddy O'Furnijur
4 years ago
Reply to  dv8

I think it’s a river otter.
Can you get nutria to eat kudzu? Just thinking out loud here.