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Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

Kitteh Kitchen Ka-thunk Wednesday salutations, GN!

Conversation and dialogue isn’t an option.

Agreed. And I believe a growing number of Americans have had it with that shit.

Read that at least three folks were shot in Kenosha last night; one fatally…so now their governor has called in the National Guard.

Kenosha ain’t Portland. Or Seattle. Wonder how long it’ll take violent idiots to get that message. (I maintain that one of the reasons we’ve seen relatively little destruction in ATL and environs is the percentage of honest armed citizens. And I must give Keisha Lance-Bottoms grudging credit for not telling APD to stand-down to the same degree as other places.)

Lots of carp to do today; BBL.

Just Sven
4 years ago

There’s something that James Lindsay wrote about the woke among us that has stuck with me: “Conversation and debate are part of our game; they are not part of their game.”

Just Sven
4 years ago

Regarding Kenosha, calls for more gun control and the banning of “assault weapons” from the DNC in 3,2,1…

This round of violence and insurrection may end eventually, but the longer term consequences of it will be with us for a long time. Antifa/BLM have had a three month’s long training exercise where they’ve been able to test out weaponry, media relations, logistics, tactics, and strategy. They’ve learned what works and what hasn’t.

The left wants to claim that the KKK, white supremacists, and militias are the problem. They aren’t and haven’t been. It’s these college educated little fuckers turned out by the thousands by the grievance industry that are making the case for burning it all down in the name of “justice” and payback.

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

Hi, Sven!

Per a glance at Twitter a little earlier today, LARPing “anarchists” sure seem to take umbrage at anarchy coming their way at ~1,200 fps.

WTF did they think was going to be the result(s) of assaults and property crimes when there are no cops around?

Someone has already coined the phrase “Roof Kenoshans”; heh.

Paddy O'Furnijur
4 years ago

Happy Wednesday, Gerbil Nation!
Good morning, Fatwa, and Sven!

Two pieces of news I came across this morning: UCI has started an initiative to increase the number of black students and faculty, and to increase black student performance and graduation. I wonder what the Latino students feel about that (nobody cares how the white and Asian students feel)? The other is an illegal immigrant is suing the OC sheriff for violating state law by holding him for ICE after he was arrested. The illegal immigrant was later released from ICE detention due to COVID-19 concerns.

What a country!

Just Sven
4 years ago

AoS has a post up about St. George of Minneapolis actually dying from a drug overdose. Can’t wait for the CNN story line: “Those racist cops -- they shot him up with fentanyl!”

Just Sven
4 years ago

I came across this today, and much like the sentiment. I’m going to steal it as my own and use it often. “Behold the field in which I grow my fucks, and see that it is barren.”

Paddy O'Furnijur
4 years ago
Reply to  Just Sven

That. Is good.

4 years ago
Reply to  Just Sven

I’m going to steal it as my own and use it often.

Just Sven
4 years ago

Sad. The NBA is cancelling their games today to further stand in solidarity with BLM -- wonder what that will do to their ratings?

Paddy O'Furnijur
4 years ago
Reply to  Just Sven

Cancelling games might improve their ratings.