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Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

G’day, Fellow Banana Republicans!

I find it curious that -- to my knowledge -- not a single bitter, racist, gun-clingin’ redneck has vandalized a Planned Parenthood facility or Whole Foods Market to “protest” against the attempted election thievery.


(It is kind of amusing that the Antifa / BLM / Black Bloc goons have apparently been largely flummoxed into inaction over the past couple of nights.)

Also, fark the Fulton Cty. (GA) election board for screwing the pooch locally.

What. An. Embarrassing. Election. Shambles. From. Coast. To. Coast.

Paddy O'Furnijur
4 years ago

Sure Happy It’s Thursday, llama edition, Gerbil Nation!
Good morning, Fatwa!

Fatwa -- I was expecting to hear all sorts of news about rioting, but haven’t. I guess BLM, et al. were told to stand down until they had something more concrete to riot about.

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

Hi, Paddy!

Portland was a notable election night exception.

Gotta love the Rose Riot City.

4 years ago

I heard they have legalized crack, Meth, and Heroin in Portland. That’ll make SE Portland happy, prolly…..

Just Sven
4 years ago

Good morning, Fatwa, and Paddy.

Last night Portland had the National Guard on the streets as antifa/blm were back up to their earlier revolution larping. After almost a year of rioting, the first time the NG has been deployed. Odd, that.

4 years ago
Reply to  Just Sven

They actually started this crap up around in 2012 or 13. It wasn’t reported in the national news though.

But they pretty much made the public transpo. unusable.

Just Sven
4 years ago

Right now, looks like my 45th District is going back to the Dems after a few months of Republican representation. Christy Smith is up by about 3000 votes over Garcia, but she does get replaced in the CA Assembly by a Republican. In LA, Maxine Waters easily won again. Both Tom McClintock and Devin Nunes look likely to win, so that’s a good thing.

4 years ago
Reply to  Just Sven

we have two Dem Senators in AZ now.


4 years ago

I’m glad I’m out of Portland.

They are legalizing or decriminalizing lots of drugs. crack, meth, heroin, etc. While I have mixed emotions and libertarian leanings. it does feel reeeeeeeeeeeel different when it actually happens and you wonder if you’ll be forced to, for example, HIRE a crackhead….

So yeah………..

4 years ago

we legalized weed in AZ also.

I’m sure this has been happening all over the country because someone figured out that stoners are more likely to vote for democrats.

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

Hi, Paddy, Sven and dv8!

IIRC, OR decriminalized possession of small quantities of several drugs. That will prevent people from being locked in cages for simply having stuff in their possession (up to whatever the legal limits are), which I think is a good thing.

But it doesn’t address what I believe are more pressing issues re “illegal drugs”: the high cost of contraband anything, purity / quality, the violence inherent to black markets., etc.

I don’t think the damned government has any right to tell you what you may or may not put into your body. Either you own yourself or you do not; there’s no middle ground that I can see there.

Are there other issues which accompany drug use? Of course…but we repealed alcohol prohibition for a reason. And yet we didn’t learn from that experience.

Personally, I wish the FedGov would legalize weed so that I could occasionally enjoy some without putting my 2A rights in peril.

…stoners are more likely to vote for democrats.

Not the majority of the ones that I know. 🙂


This election debacle is simply stunning and should probably result in bad actors dangling from lampposts.

Narrator: It won’t.

Just Sven
4 years ago

I’m befuddled by what’s going on post-Tuesday. Is voter fraud real or is this just Trump being Trump? I know what I think, but I also know I have my own confirmation bias to consider. Regardless of reality, this is going to get bloody real quick.

Just Sven
4 years ago

What we are seeing now is the worse possible election outcome. There are enough examples of voting irregularities and in close enough races to warrant investigation, but whether these are the result of incompetence, legal but idiotic procedures, isolated instances of fraud, or systemic fraud is unknown. It doesn’t matter now because we are all going to retreat to our respective corners and then wait for the bell and that bell will ring on the streets, not in the courts.

Me, I’d like to see Trump call Biden to the White House and lay out what he’s doing and why. Whatever Biden’s response, and I can guess it won’t be conciliatory, at least Trump can claim he tried to do it.

I was adjusting to a Biden win with a govt check on him from the Senate and the increase in Republicans in the House, along with SCOTUS -- figuring that would keep him and Harris in line. Now, it’s going to get dicey no matter who gets the Oval Office.

Maybe it’s better to reap the whirlwind now rather then let it sleep until 2022 or 2024. On the plus side, no one is talking about the Chinese Flu anymore.