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4 years ago

Good Sabbath, friends. I see we’re all using our fancy names around here these days.
Has word got out yet that Jerrie Atrick is going to be the next President of the United States of America? 《I’ve been into voter fraud mischief with my little bent wand. I’m certain it must have worked because I tried reeeaaaly hard!》I wonder how people will feel about having a gerbil for a president. It’s got to be better than having a potted plant! Of course, we mustn’t count out President Trump yet. He may triumph in the end.

I was going to fly over here to tell you about the wonderful pie David made yesterday but even with my shiny little bent wand I could not fly. That’s because I ate the pie. Well, not all of the pie. I did not eat all of the pie — truly I did not eat all of the pie, not every single piece of the pie, only lots of the pie… lots and lots of Pie… and it was glorious!!

After dinner, David took the leftover sweet potatoes, mixed in egg, cream and spices, made a crust, put the entirety in a springform pan and made the most wonderful sweet potato pie. It was so good with whipped cream! I decided all y’all you should know about it. So, I came to tell you. That’s t’s all I got.

4 years ago
Reply to  ThePlagueFairy

That pie was mostly pure luck….

4 years ago
Reply to  ThePlagueFairy

And Plaguie used voice typing to write the above. Pretty cool!

Just Sven
4 years ago
Reply to  dv8

Which software?

4 years ago
Reply to  Just Sven

Not sure. Probably Google. Built into Samsung Keyboard, part of the Samsung suite built into our tablets/phones.

Just Sven
4 years ago
Reply to  ThePlagueFairy

I do not believe I’ve ever had sweet potato pie -- perhaps something to try based on this review.

4 years ago
Reply to  Just Sven

Similar to pumpkin pie. Seasoned a similar way. Smoother and more mild tasting, but otherwise very similar.

Paddy O'Furnijur
4 years ago
Reply to  dv8

If you’re going to make sweet potato pie, make sure you use soft sweet potatoes (often labeled as yams), not the firm ones.

Teh Younger cut up and roasted some firm, white sweet potatoes for Thanksgiving. They were excellent! Just tossed with some olive oil, salt, and pepper.

4 years ago

Oh, ….



Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

Fancy Sunday greetin’s, Wheelizens!

Hi, Harper and dv45!

I just read Plaguie’s first comment aloud to LambiePieK; LOLing may have occurred in Happy Larryville, making it even happier. How dare you bring additional mirth and frivolity into our pawthetic, plebian existence, madam?

How. Dare. You. 🙂 🙂 🙂

SiL came by yesterday just to spend some time with the old folks; it was nice to see him (as for me, it’s been many months).

He also helped BK set up her/our Oculus Quest 2, which we received several weeks ago and she wanted some assistance. (Particularly as teh Oculus also had to be sorted through Facebook and BK finally replaced her 8-y.o. smart phone just two weeks ago in-part due to the Oculus.)

At any rate, SiL has been into VR since it was still rather expensive and niche-y, thus was exceedingly helpful / knowledgeable. And much as Brenda was the “main driver” of the Oculus purchase, I think I’ll occasionally enjoy it, too.

It is pretty cool technology.


church - don't tell the governor.jpg
Just Sven
4 years ago

Good morning Fatwa, Dv8, and Miss Harper -- wonderful to see you all!

Just Sven
4 years ago

From yesterday, Dv8 asked about buying a generator. I purchased one earlier this year, a gasoline 2000W one that can handle the refrigerator and a few other things with a minimum of household disturbance. I would have bought a larger unit, but storage and mobility of such becomes a problem.

The issue with these planned outages, at least for me, is when do you drag out all the associated gear for a “disaster” and when does that become more trouble than it is worth.

Paddy O'Furnijur
4 years ago

A blessed Sabbath, Gerbil Nation!
Good morning, Harper, dv8, Fatwa, and Sven!

My, my, we’re quite the group this morning!

Miss Harper -- dv8’s pie sounds wonderful! I’m glad you enjoyed it!

4 years ago
Reply to  Mac

Hah! You just reminded me that there is, indeed, more pie. ima go get me some!!!

Love you and Elena.

4 years ago
Reply to  dv8

Me, too, dv45, me too!

You do too…

Paddy O'Furnijur
4 years ago
Reply to  ThePlagueFairy

mmm, pie!
Unfortunately, we’re all out!

4 years ago
Reply to  Mac

Oh, I did…I most certainly did, Gentle Mac. It was just as yummy as it had been before I fell into the lovely pie induced slumber. After my rest I checked to see if it would be as delicious after having been refrigerated — to test my theory, don’tcha know.

Some things are just worth getting out of bed in the “morning” for!

It’s lovely to see you, Sir.

It’s a treat to see everyone!!

4 years ago


Thanks for the Fritatta idea. I made one this “morning” with leftover turkey, potato salad, and stuffing. Pretty great!

Just Sven
4 years ago

Prayers for Basement Joey and that he heals up quickly from his canine misadventure. Perhaps he should dump the dogs and just stick with a new cat?

4 years ago
Reply to  Just Sven


Whose a good dog?

Our poor Potted Plant sounds kinda brittle. I heard he had hairline fractures in the middle portion of his foot caused by some rough play with his doggo. That brings two observations to mind. That’s the place ballet dancers tend to have stress-fractures when their bodies become weak from calorie restriction causing their bones to become brittle…a bad sign for dancers and for senior citizens; and, foreign dictators and the heads of rogue regimes also tend to play rough. I doubt they’ll respond adequetly to Joey-the-potted-plant’s usual challenge to drop for a push-up contest. He’s gonna have to be a tougher man in a real way, not in a, “come on, maaan” way.

Food for thought.

4 years ago

I do believe I have “had a sufficiency” of pie now.

In fact, the whole subject along with the specific pie involved just begs for a perfectly executed female flounce -- one full of both gratitude and a smug level of satisfaction. Sadly, just like flying, I have also indulged in too much of the aforementioned pie to execute a flounce -- perfectly or not.

I’ll just slowly roll my furry little self off to bed now.

Goodnight, my friends. It was grand to see you today!