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Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

Contentious Friday salutations, GN!

Sven --

Pain meds are, indeed, a goodness; hope your need for them goes away before you run through your leftover stash. Damned pillows…

Has anyone found the stolen election yet? (I didn’t think my already-low confidence in gummint could drop so precipitously, but here we are…)


suess no mask.png
Paddy O'Furnijur
4 years ago

Sure Happy It’s Thursday, Gerbil Nation!
Good morning, Fatwa!

Well, Sven’s winds arrived last night, and they’ve been howling ever since. A house fire in one of the canyons has turned into a 3600 acre brush fire, just east of where last month’s fire was.

Paddy O'Furnijur
4 years ago

I see Mayor Garcetti has imposed new restrictions on his subjects.

“It’s time to hunker down,” Garcetti said in a Wednesday video announcing the new restrictions. “It’s time to cancel everything, and if it isn’t essential, don’t do it. Don’t meet up with others outside your household. Don’t host a gathering. Don’t attend a gathering.”

The order, effective immediately, requires all city residents to stay home, unless engaging in a list of essential activities, and all businesses to cease operations. Public transportation and gatherings are prohibited with the exception of gatherings for outdoor religious services and outdoor protests with social distancing and face masks.

Essential activities include health care operations, grocery store visits, farming, social services, media and music production, plumbing and electricity work and so on, according to the order.

Note the carve-out for “media and music production”? Hmm, I wonder why those are considered “essential activities”? Could it have anything to do with campaign contributions?

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

Hi, Paddy!

Read about Garcetti’s latest proclamation earlier.

Is it any wonder why the rulers of CA don’t want you troublesome serfs armed with anything more lethal than bread knives, nylon spatulas, egg slicers and BBQ tongs?