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4 years ago

Morning Gerbils! An old friend came by yesterday and we moved furniture around!!!

I can’t believe how much better everything looks. Harper had some ideas and we decided to go for it!

We even got some things hung up which have been floating around for years.

It’s all so much better.

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

Monorail Monday salutations, GN!

Hey, dv45! Happy to read about your and Harper’s successful furniture moving and that the result is an improvement.

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve arranged / rearranged rooms on graph paper using little graph paper cutouts of stuff, as I’m not good at visualizing rooms in my pointed head…so it’s a good way for me to sort out an optimal set-up.

The fence behind Jim’s house is a possum monorail. (Never seen the term used that way before; t’anks, Mac.)


I think I’ve finally reached my personal “bullshit wall” re Teh ‘Rona, the lockdown / mask foolishness, the seemingly stolen election, etc. All of that, plus the enormously stressful JimCo gigs are finally making me feel pretty down and helpless / hopeless.

Mighty glad I have LambiePieK, who not only “gets me”…she also makes me laugh. A lot. In wonderfully inappropriate ways; that “subversion” is truly a balm.

Also grateful for all of you lot.

And that earnings-wise, this has been a pretty good year for us.

But I’ve had just about e-fucking-nough.


stacy abrams - cape - mcdonald's signal.jpg
Just Sven
4 years ago

Feel the same way, Fatwa -- we are going to need a bigger boat.

Paddy O'Furnijur
4 years ago
Reply to  Just Sven

I’m thinking something in the battleship class. It’s time to start hurling large, explosive shells at a target-rich environment.

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

Hi, Paddy!

I’m am good with this.

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist
Reply to  Just Sven

Hey, Sven!

Are we getting ready to seastead??!?

I’d best obtain a concertina and start writing gerbilly sea shanties. Perhaps Harper and dv45 will help.


“What will we do with the drunken Paddy
What will we do with the drunken Paddy
What will we do with the drunken Paddy earl-eye in the morning…”

Hmmmm…needs moar work,

Just Sven
4 years ago

Good morning, Fatwa, Dv8, GN, and happy Electoral College Day! The way things have been going, I expect that by the time those ballots are counted that Biden will have 1011 votes to Trump’s 72.

On power shutdown watch again. I’ve given up trying to figure out the logic behind this carp.

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist
Reply to  Just Sven

I think the logic is to get us ready for this shit regularly after the commies “build back better”.

Just Sven
4 years ago

This makes me laugh. Out loud.


So in the name of BLM/anitfa, you can burn an American flag, destroy or vandalize churches, destroy statues and other symbols you don’t like, physically attack and harass anyone displaying symbols you don’t like, but THIS goes too far?

Paddy O'Furnijur
4 years ago
Reply to  Just Sven

Sadly, we must point out that if this was a marauding group of men of color going through the city, and destroying property, they would have been followed and arrested.

Out of touch with reality much?

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

Yes…I distinctly remember things like this happening in places like Chicago just earlier this year.

Just Sven
4 years ago

My SiL is a vehement anit-vaxxer and has been for the 30 or so years that I’ve known her. Talking with Mrs Sven last night, she made the point that regardless of any deaths/injuries caused by any Chinese Flu vaccines, that the manufacturers can’t be sued. I didn’t believe her, but she appears to be right.



We often hear about how gun manufacturers are the only industry immune from lawsuits because of the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act that the anti-2A is always crying about and trying to repeal, but it appears that’s not the case.


Paddy O'Furnijur
4 years ago
Reply to  Just Sven

Congress has created a fund to compensate those who suffer serious ill-effects from vaccines. The reasoning is that drug companies would be less-likely to manufacture vaccines if they were subject to damages from the wide-spread use of their product, while society is better off from the same.

Hmm, couldn’t we apply the same logic to a well-armed citizenry?

Paddy O'Furnijur
4 years ago

Happy Mono-bear Monday, Gerbil Nation!
Good morning, dv8, Fatwa, and Sven!

My MiL has had the shingles -- in spite of having the original vaccine -- for a couple of weeks now. Yesterday afternoon she started getting extremely bad nerve pain. Fortunately we were able to get a prescription for a nerve pain reduction medicine. It took awhile, but that seemed to do the trick. Mrs. Paddy spent the night with her because of possible side-effects. We’ll have to keep a close eye on her for the next few days to see how she reacts to the medication. Unfortunately, we have no idea how long this bout with the shingles is going to last. It could be months.

Just Sven
4 years ago

Prayers for your MiL, Paddy -- hope her pain dissipates quickly.

Just Sven
4 years ago

Looking backwards int time to the “illegitimate” Trump presidency -- and yet many today are shocked that a lot of voters think Biden stole this one.


Paddy O'Furnijur
4 years ago
Reply to  Just Sven

The 20162020 US presidential election was so corrupted in so many ways, small and large, that there is no reason to respect its outcome or regard Donald J Trump Joe Biden as the legitimate president of the United States.

Many things warped the process, including massive intervention on many fronts by a hostile foreign power, apparent collusion by Trump Biden and his associates, and disturbing anomalies in the actual voting process and its outcome. It’s worth remembering that, and reviewing the evidence.

Amazing how true that now reads.
The Left is always engaging in projection.

Just Sven
4 years ago

Bill Barr resigns. I liked him and found him clear-headed and honorable, but with Trump more and more likely to be gone in a month’s time, I don’t see this as making much difference.

Paddy O'Furnijur
4 years ago
Reply to  Just Sven

I was disappointed to read that he knew of the Hunter Biden investigation back in the Spring, but kept it from the President.

4 years ago

I’m still on work time, which I guess is good because we are in the new week. Using teh tablet with the keyboard and mouse again. Trying to remember not to right-click.

Still a pretty good fairly portable solution.

Woke up, came into the living room, went: “woah!!!” Looks much less cluttered.

4 years ago

I’ve been saying for about 40 years that we are about 70 years too late with a response to Marxist infiltration. It would take a miracle to save the republic at this point. Doesn’t mean we won’t keep trying. But I’m dubious, at least until we realize how deep the rot actually is.

In a free speech country can we classify Marxist speech as sedition and therefore unprotected? I don’t think so, but nothing short of that will be effective. McCarthy, much maligned, was completely right about everything.