“Lemme have a classic mouse sammich, a side of liver and a small saucer of cream…”
Humpy Hap Day, GN!
Busy JimCo day yesterday and more of the same today; yay (I guess).
Read that the Long Beach Shitty Council decided to implement a $4.00 / hr. “hazard bonus” for grocery store workers, prompting Kroger to announce the closure of a Ralphs and a Food 4 Less in L.B.
Kroger is, of course, being vilified for its greed…’cause there’s so much budgetary slack in an industry with a ~2% profit margin.
Not to be outdone, the Los Angeles Shitty Council is considering a $5.00 / hr. hazard bonus for grocery workers.
Apparently, they’re working hard to kill off all the businesses the “plandemic” hasn’t already shuttered.
Pardon the vulgarity of the below, but it made me LOL:
Last edited 4 years ago by Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist
…City Councils should just pass an ordinance forbidding those stores from closing.
Sadly, it would not surprise me if some elected / appointed moron proposed exactly that.
I just adore spending time composing emails answering questions from customers which were addressed in detailed reports they were sent months ago. Unfortunately, it’s probably impolitic to respond with, “Please see pages six and eleven of our October 24, 2020 report which you clearly didn’t read, you clueless, time-wasting, inconsiderate farkwit”.
“Lemme have a classic mouse sammich, a side of liver and a small saucer of cream…”
Humpy Hap Day, GN!
Busy JimCo day yesterday and more of the same today; yay (I guess).
Read that the Long Beach Shitty Council decided to implement a $4.00 / hr. “hazard bonus” for grocery store workers, prompting Kroger to announce the closure of a Ralphs and a Food 4 Less in L.B.
Kroger is, of course, being vilified for its greed…’cause there’s so much budgetary slack in an industry with a ~2% profit margin.
Not to be outdone, the Los Angeles Shitty Council is considering a $5.00 / hr. hazard bonus for grocery workers.
Apparently, they’re working hard to kill off all the businesses the “plandemic” hasn’t already shuttered.
Pardon the vulgarity of the below, but it made me LOL:
Vulgar, but quite funny.
I may have LOL’d.
Hi, Fatwa -- there’s a simple solution to those stores closing: the City Councils should just pass an ordinance forbidding those stores from closing.
Happy Drive-Thru Kitty Wednesday, Gerbil Nation!
Good morning, Fatwa, and Sven!
I’m sure the usual suspects will now cry about “food deserts” and why won’t those greedy stores open up in the inner city.
¡Hola, Sven y Paddy!
Sadly, it would not surprise me if some elected / appointed moron proposed exactly that.
I just adore spending time composing emails answering questions from customers which were addressed in detailed reports they were sent months ago. Unfortunately, it’s probably impolitic to respond with, “Please see pages six and eleven of our October 24, 2020 report which you clearly didn’t read, you clueless, time-wasting, inconsiderate farkwit”.
As Mac might say, “BAH!!”
It’s good that you love your job and that you are good at it, Fatwa.
Fatwa, on customer service duty today?