Maaaaan…my regard for condo homeowners is at a low ebb right now. JimCo is wasting a lot of time lately inspecting non-leak “problems” which have probably existed for years, but that folks are only now reporting…probably because they’re bored, stressed and obsessing over stuff.
Hooray for extended lockdowns, constant fear-mongering and the good mental health they promote!!1!
“Well, the election is over, so it doesn’t matter if they cheated” is not a sound basis for law.
It’s enough to make a gerbil wonder if some of the Justices are being blackmailed.
The New Jersey State Police Benevolent Association is in a dither over the likelihood that legalization of weed in The Garden State will undercut their opportunities to roust citizens:
Bummer about your DNS problems; I don’t know enough about how the intertubez works to have an intelligent opinion about what we’ve both been experiencing.
Happy Chick-Magnet Wednesday, Gerbil Nation!
Good morning, Fatwa, dv8 (and Harper!), and Sven!
Fatwa -- that note from the PBA is certainly telling. As much as I loathe the defund the po-po movement, I can’t join the back-the-blue movement for just such reasons. Until law enforcement starts seriously policing their own, I regard them as a necessary evil.
dv8 & Sven -- glad you’re both back on Teh Wheel. You’ve been missed.
dv8 -- glad you were able to check-in during Teh Big Route.
I watched the movie Fatima last night. It’s a beautiful movie in terms of sets and appearance and the story moves along although slowly at times. Is it a Christian movie? Of course, but it puts the visions and miracles in a larger context of progressive oppression and anti-religion.
One performance that I’ve watched twice now is the the Fellowship for Performing Arts production of Shadowlands -- The Love Story of C.S. Lewis and Joy Davidman. I saw the acclaimed movie production with Anthony Hopkins and Debra Winger but found it slow and unmoving…and felt bad for feeling that way, like I knew I was supposed to like it. So it goes.
This is what FPA bills, in this time of Covid, as a “virtual dramatic presentation.” Essentially a zoom production of a play, but it really works. Another Christian effort? Yes, of course, but religion takes a back seat to what is really a love story.
When the production was introduced as a 2-hour presentation, I inwardly groaned, but it held my attention throughout.
That link will only be good for another day or so -- it was a fundraiser event for them with limited viewing. I don’t say this about many entertainment things, but it’s worth watching. No car chases, no boobs, no explosions, but still…
Thank you, Sven. I downloaded and saved it to watch later and keep. I had a friend who was a serious Catholic and was interested in the movie. I could not get it on DVD but bought a VHS tape and digitized it so I could burn a DVD and send it to her, so I have that in my collection. I am interested in seeing this. Sadly I have not talked with her for some time. She could not get away from viewing people with different religious views as stupid or evil. Like many I have talked with they look at a distorted and silly version of what evolution is and assume anyone who could believe it is obviously stupid. I have tried to explain to some that what they are being told evolution is is no more correct than how many atheists portray Christian faith or spirituality. I never try to convince or “sell” anyone on evolution, but I hate to see people put off by misrepresentations and falsehoods.
I’ve been studying and reading C. S. Lewis, but it’s also been a slow slog. Never read his Narnia books. If I’m not mistaken he believed that although Christianity was the true and complete religion, that other religions also had parts of the truth as well.
It must have been two years ago, when we were allowed to go out and see live perfomrances, that I saw the FPA’s performance of the The Most Reluctant Convert which recounted Lewis’ life from atheism to Christianity. It was a good performance, but this latest offering from them puts a very human face on Lewis and the actress who played Joy was much better, even in this format, than Debra Winger in the movie. This was the Q&A afterwards.
Fatima is another matter entirely. As a child, I remember hearing about it, but I don’t believe we were ever taught anything about what happened, nor the govt efforts to crack down on the children and village. It’s prompted me to do some addl reading.
Elena tends to like fast paced movies with lots of action, especially movies with women kicking butt on guys. Once in a while I will slip in something different with her like This Beautiful Fantastic or A Little Chaos. These end up being special things we share. Both of those we like very much. There is a Danish vampire movie, Let the Right One In, that was different and we enjoyed that together. There was an American remake, Let Me In, but it just lacked the strength of the Danish film.
Tatum, the cat, is the fussiest eater of any cat we’ve ever had. He won’t eat human food, won’t eat normal wet cat food and we’ve tried a bunch over the last few years. It’s not a jaw or tooth problem as he has no trouble with dry food or the rodents that he kills and eats. We found one wet food that was reliable for him: Hartz Bisque. Something that he can lick. Designed for old cats over 10. That’s it.
Sadly, there’s a shortage. I haven’t been able to find it anywhere the last month. It’s available online at some stores at 3-4X the usual price. So what have I been reduced to? Making him bisque out of other wet cat foods in the food processor. The first batch didn’t work, so I tried grinding to crumbs his hard treats that he loves, added water, wet food and processed. That’s working. For now. But what a spoiled cat he is. Sleeps all day, goes out all night, comes home for breakfast and now I have to make it for him.
What a cool surprise -- Mrs. Sven was flipping channels and came across this Huell Houser episode on Acorn Engineering in City of Industry. I did my last SAP job there 1999-2001. Put together all the shop floor and production planning configuration for them. Very cool to see the place again altho I didn’t recognize any of the people, I do recall the parts of the factory that they showed. Mac, skip to about the 14 minute mark to get to the good parts.
What a ballbuster of a project that was -- lot of good stories. Heh. My last real job.
Wednesday greetin’s, GN!
Maaaaan…my regard for condo homeowners is at a low ebb right now. JimCo is wasting a lot of time lately inspecting non-leak “problems” which have probably existed for years, but that folks are only now reporting…probably because they’re bored, stressed and obsessing over stuff.
Hooray for extended lockdowns, constant fear-mongering and the good mental health they promote!!1!
It’s enough to make a gerbil wonder if some of the Justices are being blackmailed.
The New Jersey State Police Benevolent Association is in a dither over the likelihood that legalization of weed in The Garden State will undercut their opportunities to roust citizens:
Morning Fatwa!
Yup teh wheel was down for us yesterday and today. But it’s only for usuns…. on Suddenlink. I’m using my phone, now (verizon) no DNS issues there.
Bur yeah, DNS propagation errors on Suddenlink. Hopefully nothing more insidious than that.
Harper Sends her love akso.
Hi, dv8!
Bummer about your DNS problems; I don’t know enough about how the intertubez works to have an intelligent opinion about what we’ve both been experiencing.
Love back at the two of you from both of us.
Good morning, Fatwa, and Dv8 -- happy Wednesday, GN!
Poor cat -- all them damn chicks. Another example of what felines have to put up with:
Happy Chick-Magnet Wednesday, Gerbil Nation!
Good morning, Fatwa, dv8 (and Harper!), and Sven!
Fatwa -- that note from the PBA is certainly telling. As much as I loathe the defund the po-po movement, I can’t join the back-the-blue movement for just such reasons. Until law enforcement starts seriously policing their own, I regard them as a necessary evil.
dv8 & Sven -- glad you’re both back on Teh Wheel. You’ve been missed.
dv8 -- glad you were able to check-in during Teh Big Route.
I watched the movie Fatima last night. It’s a beautiful movie in terms of sets and appearance and the story moves along although slowly at times. Is it a Christian movie? Of course, but it puts the visions and miracles in a larger context of progressive oppression and anti-religion.
IOW, a movie for our times.
I’ll add that to my list. Thanks, Sven!
One performance that I’ve watched twice now is the the Fellowship for Performing Arts production of Shadowlands -- The Love Story of C.S. Lewis and Joy Davidman. I saw the acclaimed movie production with Anthony Hopkins and Debra Winger but found it slow and unmoving…and felt bad for feeling that way, like I knew I was supposed to like it. So it goes.
This is what FPA bills, in this time of Covid, as a “virtual dramatic presentation.” Essentially a zoom production of a play, but it really works. Another Christian effort? Yes, of course, but religion takes a back seat to what is really a love story.
When the production was introduced as a 2-hour presentation, I inwardly groaned, but it held my attention throughout.
That’s good to hear. I never got around to seeing the movie, but this one sounds like it’s worth watching.
That link will only be good for another day or so -- it was a fundraiser event for them with limited viewing. I don’t say this about many entertainment things, but it’s worth watching. No car chases, no boobs, no explosions, but still…
Thank you, Sven. I downloaded and saved it to watch later and keep. I had a friend who was a serious Catholic and was interested in the movie. I could not get it on DVD but bought a VHS tape and digitized it so I could burn a DVD and send it to her, so I have that in my collection. I am interested in seeing this. Sadly I have not talked with her for some time. She could not get away from viewing people with different religious views as stupid or evil. Like many I have talked with they look at a distorted and silly version of what evolution is and assume anyone who could believe it is obviously stupid. I have tried to explain to some that what they are being told evolution is is no more correct than how many atheists portray Christian faith or spirituality. I never try to convince or “sell” anyone on evolution, but I hate to see people put off by misrepresentations and falsehoods.
I’ve been studying and reading C. S. Lewis, but it’s also been a slow slog. Never read his Narnia books. If I’m not mistaken he believed that although Christianity was the true and complete religion, that other religions also had parts of the truth as well.
It must have been two years ago, when we were allowed to go out and see live perfomrances, that I saw the FPA’s performance of the The Most Reluctant Convert which recounted Lewis’ life from atheism to Christianity. It was a good performance, but this latest offering from them puts a very human face on Lewis and the actress who played Joy was much better, even in this format, than Debra Winger in the movie. This was the Q&A afterwards.
Fatima is another matter entirely. As a child, I remember hearing about it, but I don’t believe we were ever taught anything about what happened, nor the govt efforts to crack down on the children and village. It’s prompted me to do some addl reading.
Elena tends to like fast paced movies with lots of action, especially movies with women kicking butt on guys. Once in a while I will slip in something different with her like This Beautiful Fantastic or A Little Chaos. These end up being special things we share. Both of those we like very much. There is a Danish vampire movie, Let the Right One In, that was different and we enjoyed that together. There was an American remake, Let Me In, but it just lacked the strength of the Danish film.
Tatum, the cat, is the fussiest eater of any cat we’ve ever had. He won’t eat human food, won’t eat normal wet cat food and we’ve tried a bunch over the last few years. It’s not a jaw or tooth problem as he has no trouble with dry food or the rodents that he kills and eats. We found one wet food that was reliable for him: Hartz Bisque. Something that he can lick. Designed for old cats over 10. That’s it.
Sadly, there’s a shortage. I haven’t been able to find it anywhere the last month. It’s available online at some stores at 3-4X the usual price. So what have I been reduced to? Making him bisque out of other wet cat foods in the food processor. The first batch didn’t work, so I tried grinding to crumbs his hard treats that he loves, added water, wet food and processed. That’s working. For now. But what a spoiled cat he is. Sleeps all day, goes out all night, comes home for breakfast and now I have to make it for him.
Coons? Throw them anything and they’ll eat it.
What a cool surprise -- Mrs. Sven was flipping channels and came across this Huell Houser episode on Acorn Engineering in City of Industry. I did my last SAP job there 1999-2001. Put together all the shop floor and production planning configuration for them. Very cool to see the place again altho I didn’t recognize any of the people, I do recall the parts of the factory that they showed. Mac, skip to about the 14 minute mark to get to the good parts.
What a ballbuster of a project that was -- lot of good stories. Heh. My last real job.
Thank you. I saved it and watched part where you indicated. Looks worth watching the whole thing. Neat to know you were involved.