They almost certainly were trying to salvage the explosive for future use, as common Hamas practice as the L.A. Times reported recently:
In a September documentary aired by the satellite news network Al Jazeera, rare footage showed Hamas militants reassembling Iranian rockets with ranges of up to 50 miles and warheads packed with 385 pounds of explosives. Hamas militants opened unexploded Israeli missiles from previous strikes to extract explosive materials. They even salvaged old water pipes to repurpose as missile bodies.
Recycle. Reuse. Reduce. Kaboom.
Last edited 3 years ago by Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist
Did my usual long shift on Tuesday without taking a nap beforehand. So I was dragging before starting the Big Route. Harper came along with me to help me stay awake. We got home. in the early morning I cooked and then slept until about midnight.
I woke up and made Biscuits and Gravy. Because I had already made the gravy a while ago. I feel like country gravy could benefit from Sage. I’ll try that next, I think.
I guess I’ll try to get another nap before work tonight, because I don’t want a repeat of Tuesday.
I’m glad I got the Forklift picture posted for Harper on Wednesday. I’m still bumping into things, probably I would not pass any certification exam. It’s easier to navigate driving it backwards because the back wheel is the steering wheel. So in forward it behaves like a car going backwards. This is to make it easier to manipulate the load, especially around corners, but it is a bit counter-intuitive. You can turn it on a dime even if the load is just a few inches away from an obstruction, but there needs to be enough room for the back wheel to swing pretty wide. Hence me continually bumping into things.
It’s just another one of those things that takes practice. I was lucky that most of my forklift work was from the trucks to the dock -- very little inside of buildings with aisles. I did drive it once through an overhead door that a coworker lowered just slightly enough so that I’d hit it. Yuck yuck yuck.
I had hopes that the DNS troubles had been resolved since I hadn’t had any trouble in over a week, but after Fatwa got back on, shortly afterward, I guess we were off again.
TOR to the rescue. I can’t see the thread pictures on TOR though, most of the time. I can see Fatwa’s “Communism” meme though.
dv8, the forklift will become more comfortable with more use. A three wheel can spin tighter but it is easy to get into trouble with it. The four wheel just takes practice. It is easier or less stressful if you can practice close quarter maneuvers in a tight place where you can’t damage anything. I used pallets of broken down cardboard boxes we had for shipping to make courses. I am sure you will have no problems as you understand the issues..
If one wears an upside-down canoe on one’s head, can all of the guns still fall out of it?
Happy Thursday, GN!
Nice to see Jerry and Mac stopped-by yesterday in addition to Harper!!1!
I got nothin’ else right now; BBL.
Analysis -- True:
Oopsie…another Hamas “work-related accident”:
Recycle. Reuse. Reduce. Kaboom.
Those darn Jooooooos. If they built their explosives correctly, this would not have happened.
Hi, Sven!
I’d say teh ‘splodey stuff worked precisely as designed; it vaporized a couple of Hamas-holes.
What would you call a laurel made from $100 bills?
Aretha Franklins.
From the TSW Help Desk logs:
Fatwa: And I’m unable to access TSW again.
Admin: And I haven’t been to Europe. I don’t understand the point you’re making.
Sure Happy It’s Thursday, Gerbil Nation!
Good morning, Fatwa, and Sven!
Y’all are on a roll this morning, po’ boys.
So Fatwa is in…
and I’m out.
Once again using TOR.
Did my usual long shift on Tuesday without taking a nap beforehand. So I was dragging before starting the Big Route. Harper came along with me to help me stay awake. We got home. in the early morning I cooked and then slept until about midnight.
I woke up and made Biscuits and Gravy. Because I had already made the gravy a while ago. I feel like country gravy could benefit from Sage. I’ll try that next, I think.
I guess I’ll try to get another nap before work tonight, because I don’t want a repeat of Tuesday.
I’m glad I got the Forklift picture posted for Harper on Wednesday. I’m still bumping into things, probably I would not pass any certification exam. It’s easier to navigate driving it backwards because the back wheel is the steering wheel. So in forward it behaves like a car going backwards. This is to make it easier to manipulate the load, especially around corners, but it is a bit counter-intuitive. You can turn it on a dime even if the load is just a few inches away from an obstruction, but there needs to be enough room for the back wheel to swing pretty wide. Hence me continually bumping into things.
It’s just another one of those things that takes practice. I was lucky that most of my forklift work was from the trucks to the dock -- very little inside of buildings with aisles. I did drive it once through an overhead door that a coworker lowered just slightly enough so that I’d hit it. Yuck yuck yuck.
I had hopes that the DNS troubles had been resolved since I hadn’t had any trouble in over a week, but after Fatwa got back on, shortly afterward, I guess we were off again.
TOR to the rescue. I can’t see the thread pictures on TOR though, most of the time. I can see Fatwa’s “Communism” meme though.
TOR updated. I can see pictures now. So that’s good.
So dv8 and Fatwa not on at the same time? Suspicious!! You don’t have a mullet do you?
Well… I’m all “party in the back.”
But not so much business in the front….
This really makes me miss
They still have a merch shop tho.
dv8, the forklift will become more comfortable with more use. A three wheel can spin tighter but it is easy to get into trouble with it. The four wheel just takes practice. It is easier or less stressful if you can practice close quarter maneuvers in a tight place where you can’t damage anything. I used pallets of broken down cardboard boxes we had for shipping to make courses. I am sure you will have no problems as you understand the issues..
thanks for your words of encouragement.
BTW, today’s thread pic was a double dose of awful: a pun AND a cat.