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Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

Happy Long Weekend Friday, Wheelizens!

Mac --

Whenever I get called “cute”, it’s nearly always done sarcastically. (Sure, it’s usually in response to my being sardonic, but still…) 🙁

Pastry cutters? Is this in reference to the scone recipe?

I believe that’s a reference to an unfortunate incident in teh Harper / dv8 household some years ago; IIRC, it involved damage to a relatively pristine pastry cutter by a housemate.


Become ungovernable:

no target shooting.jpeg
Last edited 3 years ago by Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist
Just Sven
3 years ago
Reply to  Mac

Pastry cutters aren’t multi-tools?

3 years ago

Oh that! Yup.

Interesting thing about that particular roomie, is that he was able to explain certain things to me in such a way as to “make them my own idea.” Which gets them into my head and allows me to immediately start using these ideas.

Since my brain is quite abnormal, almost no one can successfully do that. Harper wishes she could.

If she could have learned the “Pastry Egg Cutter’s” trick, she could have gotten me to learn about Bitcoin back in the 2000s.

3 years ago
Reply to  dv8

…and I still have no explanation as to what the “trick” is. I just know that some people can do it, and I’ll learn something from them instantly even though it may be out of context of what I am thinking about or doing at the present time.

If I could understand it properly, I could completely unlock the Meranto Mind Power ™ of my brain.

(I’m not sure if I should provide a Meranto link or just leave for the intrepid to look up.)

Last edited 3 years ago by dv8
3 years ago

I had forgotten that the pastry cutter/hard boiled egg story was part of wheel lore.

Just Sven
3 years ago

Now that is a perfectly good looking coon.

Good morning, Fatwa --

Paddy O'Furnijur
3 years ago

Happy Friday, Gerbil Nation!
Good morning, Fatwa, Sven, and Mac!

Yes, that was a reference to the unfortunate incident with the unfortunate housemate who didn’t respect our dear lady’s kitchen.

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

Hi, Sven, Mac and Paddy!

Mac --

That sounds right about Harper’s poor heirloom pastry cutter; cheers.

Pastry cutters aren’t multi-tools?

pastry multitool.jpeg
3 years ago

That is a noodle cutter. Noodles are not pastry.

(said in conjunction with a perfectly executed female flounce)

Paddy O'Furnijur
3 years ago
Reply to  ThePlagueFairy

That’ll show him!
Fear the flounce!

Just Sven
3 years ago


Just Sven
3 years ago

Yeah, us. California Gas Prices Hit All-Time High For Labor Day Weekend


Paddy O'Furnijur
3 years ago
Reply to  Just Sven

We’re number one! We’re number one! (while the state turns to number two).

3 years ago

Evening Greetings!

Another tough week here.

I’m not sure if I told y’all about the great nephew’s surgery to correct a scoliosis spine. He is 16 & the spine curved so bad it was pressing on his heart. This came up suddenly during a growth spurt. Anyway, he had a successful 7 hour operation (with 2 steel rods). After a week in the hospital ,he was sent home. His father (Good Nephew) and Mother spent another week off work tending to him. So on Tuesday, his father went back to work at the airport. He had not even gotten as far as logging in to his computer when he collapsed. Paramedics were called & he was sent to the hospital, unresponsive. They gave him Narcon. I guess that is standard in this day & age. It brought him awake for an instant, but then it was back to unconciousness. They kept him ICU overnight. The next morning. He was coming in & out of clarity, slurring his words & sounding drunk. They said no heart attack & no stroke. On Thursday, the jerk doctor said it was caused by the 1/2 valium that he took! His wife threw a fit & demanded a neurologist. They did another MRI, this time with contrast. By this time, he was getting his mind back & had no memory of anything other than trying to log in at work. They found that he had a small blood clot in his cataroid artery that went to his brain & caused a small stroke. The put him on blood thinners & sent him home today.

On the other side of the family, our nephew tolerated his fist cancer treatment well last week. They found a high calcium content & gave him medicine for it, so he was able to eat & keep food down. He had another treatment today, I believe.

I know I promised to hop back on the wheel sooner than this, butit has been hectic this week.

So I will see ya later.

3 years ago
Reply to  Rabbit

Hi rabbit!!!

I just woke up a bit ago.

That’s a lot of medical stuff.

Wow. I think I’m overwhelmed with reality in my own life. It’s hard to get myself to do anything other than what I have to do.

It always looks to me like most everyone else handles it better than I do.

Last edited 3 years ago by dv8
Paddy O'Furnijur
3 years ago
Reply to  dv8

That’s always a problem, comparing yourself to “everyone else”, especially when we don’t know the struggles that everyone else are going through, and rely just on our perceptions. Focus on what you can do today, then what you can do tomorrow. Focus on one day at a time -- that’s enough for anybody.

Feel free to ignore all of the above. I’ve got no special insight and have enough problems doing what I should be doing that handing out advice seems rather presumptive and is a fault I know I have.

3 years ago

I think we all appreciate the expansion of perspective. It feels good to know that there are people thinking about you, praying, and sharing a bit in what you are going through.

3 years ago
Reply to  Rabbit

I know this probably doesn’t seem like much, but….

We can pray for you and your family.

Harper especially. I’m surprised she doesn’t have callouses on her knees. But her knees are very supple, demure, and ladylike.

Last edited 3 years ago by dv8
Paddy O'Furnijur
3 years ago
Reply to  Rabbit

Prayers for all y’all, RabBiT. You’ve been through so much and given so much!

3 years ago

Today after sleeping after The Big Route, I think I fell into staying in bed again. I’d been really good the last month or so, about just getting up, despite having nothing important to do.

Paddy O'Furnijur
3 years ago
Reply to  dv8

That’s an easy habit to fall into, and a hard habit to break. When I worked second shift, I found I had to set an alarm (and then get out of bed when the alarm went off), to keep that habit at bay.

3 years ago

I’ve been better at it lately, but this morning (afternoon) I fell into it again. I’m still not visiting people and getting out as much as I should.

Last edited 3 years ago by dv8
3 years ago

At least I’m doing laundry.