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3 years ago

Good Sabbath morning, GN.

3 years ago


I’ve made several comments this morning and they all have disappeared. I sure don’t know what’s happening. I’ll switch to my phone and see what happens there.

Last edited 3 years ago by ThePlagueFairy
3 years ago

Ok. Two comments are sticking. The article I left in the comment above, from the Conservative Treehouse, is something that I’m interested in your thoughts upon. If any of you have the time and inclination to read it, that is.

Please forgive my torturous syntax, tired I am. Hmmm?

Weighing in on the subject of chili verdi… I like it best made with the cheapest picnic roast from WinCo, cover with Safeway house brand green sauce (3 or 4 jars usually) and one extra jar of water, simmer on the stove for 24 hours. I pull it apart into smaller chunks as it cooks and it should be shredded when it’s done. I serve it in shallow pasta bowls with an equal amount of very coarse Irish/Scottish oatmeal. Some of the roommates liked to eat it that way and stir it together and some ladled the chili over the oatmeal. It makes the house smell glorious while it cooks!!

Seriously, don’t miss out on trying the oatmeal with it and don’t make the mistake of trying it with rolled oats.


Just Sven
3 years ago
Reply to  ThePlagueFairy

Good morning, Miss Harper. Oatmeal and chile verde? I think you’re pulling my leg. It sounds awful.

Paddy O'Furnijur
3 years ago
Reply to  Just Sven

I think the key is the difference between “traditional” oatmeal (rolled oats) and Irish/Scottish oatmeal (steel-cut oats).

3 years ago

That is, indeed, the difference. And I kid you not! At least give it a try.

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist


Sunday greetin’s, GN and…Harper!!1!

What a treat to “see” you

Will read your link later; need to get coffee in me, stat!

I think you’ve mentioned the chili verde over coarse oatmeal before; can’t imagine the combination on my palate and must try that some time. (“Very coarse” is certainly suitable for the likes of me…). 🙂

Maybe just easier to get a cat in a box?

I thought they generally auto-loaded into boxes…”if they fits, they sits”.


It’s tough to understand precisely what’s going on in Ukraine without reliable information; I guess I should apply the 48-hour (or longer) rule.

And WTF is going on with our media suddenly pronouncing “Kiev” as “keev”? More newspeak horse pucky or other gaslighting?


kill huge mouse at disneyland.jpeg
Just Sven
3 years ago

Good morning, Fatwa -- I don’t know how accurate this is, but it’s an interesting article: https://www.tabletmag.com/sections/news/articles/ukraines-deadly-gamble

Checking out the author got me to Amazon and then over to Amazon’s list of best sellers. There’s an author, Colleen Hoover, who holds down three of the top ten spots. Never heard of her.

3 years ago

About the pronunciation of Kiev…

They’ve been clued in that they’ve been saying it incorrectly all this time. Sadly, they’re still saying it wrong. There’s a slight inflection after the long E going into a “shwa” (almost a short E) before the V. They should just stick with their original pronunciation, the English pronunciation of the name, and stop beclowning themselves, IMHO.

This nonsense started with Barack Obama pronouncing “Pakistan” like a native (which, he did speak the language so fair enough) but doing it in a very pretentious manner which seemed to signify to many that it was the cool thing to do. Since then the polity has been inundated with newscasters and politicians speaking atrocious foreign snippets to try to sound sophisticated. It’s brain-hurty. Or, I could be seeing a pattern that isn’t there because it irks me so much.

This new phenomenon is completely different from the famed Berliner/jelly donut of history. That speech was an appropriate use of speaking a foreign language that went sideways in an adorable way. It was truly funny.


Last edited 3 years ago by ThePlagueFairy
Paddy O'Furnijur
3 years ago

A blessed Sabbath, Gerbil Nation!
Good morning, Harper!!!!!, Fatwa, and Sven!

Harper -- Ukraine certainly reads like a wag-the-dog operation. What the end-game is, is not clear. Will China take the opportunity of this distraction to make a move against Taiwan? Is the White House hoping this will take people’s minds off of Joey Soft-serve’s other failures?

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist


Hi, Sven and Paddy!

I’ve just read both Plaguie’s and Sven’s articles, and…I don’t know WTF to think. There’re a lot of “moving parts” re Ukraine, wildly conflicting accounts and I don’t have enough personal knowledge to even begin trying to triangulate where something resembling reality lies.

Plus, I’m preoccupied with a bunch of other stuff and have very little in the way of spare CPU cycles.


Really noticed some inflation during my last couple of Walmart runs; several products which have been price stable for years jumped 12-15% in just a couple of weeks. (That’s in addition to the shrinkflation of smaller amounts of product being sold at the same price.)

But hey…there’s a great new series on Netflix and some celebrities I’ve never heard of are dating again!!1!

Last edited 3 years ago by Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist
Just Sven
3 years ago

It’s the reasonable reaction given the justifiable loss of faith in truth coming out of govt and the media. Who could have seen that coming, eh? Regardless of what happens in Ukraine short of Russia dropping some nuclear bombs, the one thing that ought to come out of this but won’t is drill baby, drill our way back to energy independence.

Seeing price jumps out here as well and more out of stock items. Thanks, Brandon!

Good morning, Paddy.

For those of you of the praying persuasion, spare a request for clarity in thinking for me and Mrs Sven so that we do the right thing. We’re in a quandary regarding our Polish friend and the medical treatment he’s receiving. Thanks

3 years ago
Reply to  Just Sven

Prayers, dear Sven, will be started just as soon as I get back to bed. For all of you, of course…

3 years ago
Reply to  ThePlagueFairy

And, yes, DRILL!!!

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist


Sven --

I’m quite certain that you and Mrs. Sven will make wise, compassionate, loving choices in regard to your Polish friend. You’re incapable of doing otherwise.

Wish I could help you both shoulder that burden; as always, feel free to call.

Just Sven
3 years ago

Our friend was moved to a facility with hospice services yesterday apparently based on the doctor’s evaluation of non-responsiveness. When we were there yesterday, in as bad of shape as he’s in, he seemed nonverbally responsive to touch and questions. Not being family, we weren’t able to get any medical information but we contacted his sister in Detroit and described our impressions emphasizing that we aren’t doctors.

We’ve opened a can of worms.

We are going back over to see Frank in a few minutes. I don’t know if we should have said anything, but we’ve known him for 30 years and if he’s “in there” we can’t just do nothing. But we are operating on incomplete information -- we don’t know his wishes or really what state he is in. Regardless, there’s a difference between starving an unconscious person to death and someone who is aware however marginally that they still exist. If he’s aware at all I can only imagine the fear he must be feeling.

We don’t know the right course. I pray we do the right thing and don’t make things worse for him or his sister. I just don’t know.

Just Sven
3 years ago
Reply to  Just Sven

We’re back. Frank was quite responsive today -- got a few words out. We grabbed the staff and made sure they saw him in this state. Met with his hospice nurse and she got to see him responsive as well. He managed a few words like “orange juice”. Could nod his head yes or no. Trouble swallowing --

Passed all of this on to his sister.

Exhausting but we’ve done our part and I think he’s in good hands. We’ll visit again tomorrow.

Thanks for the prayers and good thoughts, friends.

Last edited 3 years ago by Just Sven
Paddy O'Furnijur
3 years ago
Reply to  Just Sven

That’s excellent news, Sven! God bless you and Mrs. Sven for making the effort. I pray that the time he’s been without fluids hasn’t worsened his condition. Hopefully he can make his wishes known and not just be at the mercy of the medical system.

Just Sven
3 years ago

And thank you, Paddy -- that’s what we hope as well.

3 years ago

And we’re back on TOR again.

I left a post on tomorrow morning’s thread, because I don’t know when I’ll be around to make an entry. I have appointments tomorrow and then I have work later that evening.