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3 years ago

I lost an aunt a few days ago. It went very quickly, so my mom tells me.

I just found out about her illness a couple of weeks ago.

She was the cool hippy aunt who lived close by when I was a kid. Her husband worked for the phone company and was very clever with home improvement projects he was constantly doing.

The last 8 years or so have been very sad ones for them.

First, they lost their daughter to a freak rogue infection in 2014. Several years later, her husband passed away, although I don’t remember of what. he was a big strong dude, but always had a number of health problems over the years.

Then a few weeks ago, she found she had been ignoring serious symptoms of cancer for more than 6 months. So by the time it was discovered, there was really little anyone could do.

She went into home hospice shortly after that, somewhere in mid February. And she passed just a couple of days ago. My mom was able to see her a few times in the ensuing few weeks.

It was so sad for me to hear how she lost her daughter, then her husband.

I pray now that they are all reunited; still it feels sad to me because of what they all went through.

Last edited 3 years ago by dv8
Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

J’accuse Kitteh Monday “buh”, GN!

dv8 (and Harper!!1!) --

Condolences re your “cool hippy aunt”; may her memory be a blessing. Sorry to read her family’s last several years were so rough for them.

Sven (and Mrs. Sven) --

Glad to read such encouraging news re Frank; hope he remains on an upward trajectory. You two “done good” and I hope it doesn’t take too much of a toll on you.


trudeau - hitler.jpeg
3 years ago


Just Sven
3 years ago

Good morning, Dv8, and Fatwa -- happy start of another week, GN! The crisis of the week is nuclear annihilation. Looking backwards: Climate change-> Systemic racism-> Trump-> Covid-> Nuclear annihilation. The only thing that can trump this one is Alien Invasion or Improper Use of Pronouns.

Condolences, Dv8. I can’t think of a rougher 8 years than what you described. Prayers, friend.

Thanks, Fatwa -- we are in it now and will do the best we can.

Thanks, Miss Harper for you MO thoughts -- I responded over there.

Paddy O'Furnijur
3 years ago

Happy “Yep, it’s a Monday” Monday, Gerbil Nation!
Good morning, dv8, Fatwa, Sven, and Harper!

dv8 -- prayers for comfort and strength for you and your family.

Harper -- thank you for your prayers. They are appreciated.

3 years ago

So, what are we doin’ today? It’s Monday and I brought teh armaments.

What’s on for JimCo and everyone else’s endeavors?

About that list of disasters Sven posted…

I believe the powers-that-be are about to get a lesson on two well known phenomena from We The Plebeians. The Little Boy Who Cried Wolf effect and battle fatigue. Both lead to an enhanced tendency to not listen to “authorities” anymore and some unpredictable coping mechanisms. (see the wonderful book, Catch 22). Being that the American Spirit is unpredictable and anti-authoritarian to begin with, the more they clamp down trying to control things the less in control they are going to be. Push us far enough…

That said, I really wish the truckers would not go to DC. The mandates are already being lifted without it so why the performative act when it’s so risky? What am I not seeing? Is this deliberately the start of what I was talking about? Just daring the government to attach their bank accounts and take their rigs? ‘Cause, you know, the government won’t even blink. They excel at stealing property. And the white supremacist FBI infiltration along with the example of the Jan6 prisoners being held for so long in the way they have been. All this when the reason for the revolt is ending. Why? Can anybody explain? It seems better to me for them to wait and keep raising money against the day they, as a body, decide to simply not deliver anything to DC. Only partially blockade it, slow the trucks getting through way down and just let whomever decides to do those runs gouge the heck out of the city.

Or something like that.


Just Sven
3 years ago
Reply to  ThePlagueFairy

I think you are right, Miss Harper -- there’s no reason, no cause, no demands -- for them to really highlight at this time. They took too long to organize and get going, especially since the Canadian protests have ended and Trudeau ended martial law.