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Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist


Happy Mid-Week Day, GN

I need a drink. And a shower. And maybe some Holy water.

Thanks for “taking one for team”; surprised you weren’t drinking while Demented Uncle Choo-Choo was flapping his gums.

I’ll look for a low-lights video later.


Also a Sno-Cat:

Just Sven
3 years ago

Good morning, Fatwa -- happy mid-week, GN.

Thanks again, Paddy, for the SOTU speech recap -- reading some of the reviews this morning, I think you hit all the high points. Hope you found some Holy water last night.

My brother put his house up for sale last Thursday -- accepted an offer of $35k over the asking price. He’s all in on AZ now.

Going to shower and then head over to hospice for a brief visit, then start the workday. Lots of BS being flung around teh bestest place ever but I’ve given up trying to figure out the logic behind much of it.

Paddy O'Furnijur
3 years ago

A reflective Ash Wednesday, Gerbil Nation!
Good morning, Fatwa, and Sven!

Sven -- I wish your brother well in AZ. I hope it works out well for him.

It will be interesting to read some of the commentaries on last night’s SOTU and compare them with how it came across to me.

Just Sven
3 years ago

Three comments? There go our stats -- what’s Jerry going to think?

3 years ago

As it turns out, the SOTU speech WAS the cringe compilation….

3 years ago
Reply to  dv8

Daily Wire put out a pretty good SOTU thing.

Razorfist always has a good rant. This one is on Ukrane, but any SOTU one is still forthcoming.


Last edited 3 years ago by dv8
3 years ago

Got back from The Big Route last night… well, around 6:30 am… very tired.went right to bed, woke up mid afternoon. tried to get a few things done. Filled my water jugs at Basha’s bought some vitamins, filled all the prescriptions.

I bought a roast chicken and we had some dinner I didn’t have to cook.

So that’s a ‘W’, as they say.

But I feel compelled to make chicken salad--and chicken broth--out of what’s left of it, thus creating extra work.

So that’s an ‘L’ as they say.

3 years ago
Reply to  dv8

I had some leftover vegetables I could put in the broth, so I’m giving it an extra hour. Anyway, it ought to be pretty good.

Just Sven
3 years ago

Hey Dv8 -- sounds like a busy day for you guys.

I’m tired. Just back from hospice -- the old Polack is hanging on. I don’t know how, but he’s a tough old bird.

And I’m getting angrier with each day -- there has to be a better way to go out than to die of thirst and starvation.

Paddy O'Furnijur
3 years ago
Reply to  Just Sven

I agree, Sven. I wonder who is making the decision to withhold food and water?

3 years ago
Reply to  Just Sven

It seems wrong, doesn’t it?

It’s my understanding that this kind of thing is common.

My grandma died that way. She’d had a stroke, but she could still understand even though she couldn’t talk.

In her case, they asked her if she wanted to stay in the hospital or have the feeding tube removed. She opted for the removal, but my mom said it was a scary way to die. She was scared. It doesn’t seem right.

My great aunt still had her faculties. And, she was more clever than her sister, my Grandma. She told them she only felt good when she was asleep. She just wanted to sleep. So they put her to sleep, probably with something of an overdose, and she never woke up, but died peacefully.

My Oma, (great grandmother, of the potato soup fame) lived to almost 100 but she had Alzheimer’s. So she wasn’t really aware the last few years.

Just Sven
3 years ago

Good night, friends.

3 years ago
Reply to  Just Sven

good night, Sven.