I hold Alex Jones in contempt, I have nothing good to say about him, but while I am glad to see him brought to account, there is something that smells in this.I am having trouble finding his contemptible actions worse or even as bad as Biden repeatedly smearing an innocent man on national TV as a drunk driver, when he has been told repeatedly, and admitted, that he is telling a falsehood. Why is Biden never called to account? His lying is an old joke, but this is particularly vile. The man is dead now but his family has to keep seeing Biden smear their father.
And of course other Democrats and liberals also lie shamelessly, but only Alex Jones must be destroyed? I hope the liars about Sandman and Rittenhouse also get so harshly penalized..
Besides absolute BS stuff on Infowars, my main memory of Jones was video of that jerk chasing Michelle Malkin around some outdoor event calling her a Nazi and screaming outrageous crap about her. I so wanted some guy to clothesline him. I would have gone to jail to defend her had I been there.
Threatening Trash Panda Salutations, GN!
BK’s mostly okay right now; I’ll take it.
I got nothin’ else; BBL.
Trash panda. Hrmph.
Hugs to Brenda -- hang in there.
Unlike Fatwa, I have plenty more but I’m going to keep it all to myself.
Happy Truthful Raccoon Tuesday, Gerbil Nation!
Good morning, Fatwa, and Sven!
Fatwa -- hugs and prayers for your lovely bride. It will get better. Y’all hang in there!
OK, I’ll share. I posted the original version of this song last week, but came across this acoustic version that is just as good -- worth a listen.
I think his voice has gotten even better over the years.
Hi, Sven and Paddy!
Hugs and payers relayed to (much) better half. Glad she’s got a break from medical stuff until scan on Halloween.
But hey…I’ve got a colonoscopy on the 27th; we’re doing our part for the economy.
Sven --
Brenda said to tell you someone found Viking burial grounds in northern Italy.
Huh. So maybe I got some Viking blood to go along with my Moorish blood.
Alex Jones of Infowars is getting slammed with over $1B in fines for something about Sandy Hook. More than a little absurd.
I hold Alex Jones in contempt, I have nothing good to say about him, but while I am glad to see him brought to account, there is something that smells in this.I am having trouble finding his contemptible actions worse or even as bad as Biden repeatedly smearing an innocent man on national TV as a drunk driver, when he has been told repeatedly, and admitted, that he is telling a falsehood. Why is Biden never called to account? His lying is an old joke, but this is particularly vile. The man is dead now but his family has to keep seeing Biden smear their father.
And of course other Democrats and liberals also lie shamelessly, but only Alex Jones must be destroyed? I hope the liars about Sandman and Rittenhouse also get so harshly penalized..
I agree with you, Mac. I never watched-read-listened to Alex Jones, but a billion dollars? For words?
Besides absolute BS stuff on Infowars, my main memory of Jones was video of that jerk chasing Michelle Malkin around some outdoor event calling her a Nazi and screaming outrageous crap about her. I so wanted some guy to clothesline him. I would have gone to jail to defend her had I been there.