Hope the ol’ Buick didn’t cause any issues for dv8.
Thread Squirrel might be annoyed ’cause someone raided his stash:
Today should be oodles of fun here at CasaK.
1) BK Update: She was doing well for much of yesterday until developing pretty severe nausea; dunno why. She was up much of the night and is sleeping right now. (Hope she feels better when she wakes up.)
2) I just mixed-up the delightful “prep juice” for my colonoscopy tomorrow; gotta start chugging that carp at noon.
3) Telephone conference today between arbitrator and attorneys scheduled for 09:30 PDT. (Glad neither Jim nor I have to take part, which is just as well AFAIC.)
Between items 2 and 3, there’ll be a whole lot of shit going down.
Happy Annoyed Squirrel Wednesday, Gerbil Nation!
Good morning, Sven, and Fatwa!
Sven -- I think you have the right of it, in re the thread pic. Squirrels aren’t as gracious as ‘coons.
Fatwa -- I’m glad BK is feeling better this morning. I imagine as BK’s body starts to repair itself from the damage done by the chemo, that she’s also having to readjust her gut flora. That alone can cause severe nausea.
Update: BK just ordered some probiotics which worked well for FTR in the past and is researching foods which might help (and don’t seem queasy-making).
Maaaaaan…this colonoscopy prep stuff sure is, erm, stunningly efficient. Just finished the first half gallon, so I get to take a break from drinking any more until 5:00 EDT.
And I’m getting quite a workout; kind of like doing wind sprints. (Really glad we have a downstairs bathroom…not much “advance warning”, iffen you catch my drift.)
I bet gefilte fish is right at the top of that list.
Had a routine dental appointment on the 13th. I guess she stirred up a problem tooth we have been watching because that Saturday began a week of bad pain for me. On this last Friday the right side of my face puffed up and looked like I had half an egg in my cheek, so I saw the dentist on Saturday and a surgeon on Monday. I am scheduled for extraction and an implant on Monday next. Bad timing as Elena goes in for a two spinal injections tomorrow. I have been a bit busy. There should be no problem, I have put up threads through next Wednesday. I have not been having a good time but I would gladly take this all over what you gentle Gerbils have been dealing with. Wish I could do anything to help.
Implants are not cheap, though it seems to me this will be cheaper than when Elena had hers.
Sorry about your tooth, Mac. Wish I could afford implants for Harper. She would be so happy. The combination of MS, all the prescription drugs, not to mention being English, makes her dental situation a nightmare. Very difficult to keep up with.
I have been trying to find a more “corporate” job--maybe with the city. But I suck at that, so I dunno if I will succeed. But if I do, they have great medical and dental, it’s pretty much the envy of the world : )
The Buick performed admirably on The Big Route. I even finished about an hour early, which was strange, because I felt like I was dragging again.
I varied my office routine when I went to do some stuff in the “upstairs” office, in which I have about 15 minutes of work on an average night. Because of that, I evidently left the front door unlocked with the keys sticking out of it (on the inside)
It’s amazing that this is the first time I’ve done that, but that is the power of crafting a routine. Note to self: Do not break your routine!!! Anyway, as it happened, no harm was done. so that’s good at least, the boss found the keys and the door like that in the morning.
Obviously the squirrel was expecting a coon thread pic. Duh.
Happy Wednesday, GN.
G’day, GN; hai, SVEN!
Hope the ol’ Buick didn’t cause any issues for dv8.
Thread Squirrel might be annoyed ’cause someone raided his stash:
Today should be oodles of fun here at CasaK.
1) BK Update: She was doing well for much of yesterday until developing pretty severe nausea; dunno why. She was up much of the night and is sleeping right now. (Hope she feels better when she wakes up.)
2) I just mixed-up the delightful “prep juice” for my colonoscopy tomorrow; gotta start chugging that carp at noon.
3) Telephone conference today between arbitrator and attorneys scheduled for 09:30 PDT. (Glad neither Jim nor I have to take part, which is just as well AFAIC.)
Between items 2 and 3, there’ll be a whole lot of shit going down.
BK Update: Awake, not nauseous but achy. At least better than last night.
One hour to the initiation of Operation Colon Auger…yay!
Please give my love to Brenda. Tell her I and Harper think and talk of her often.
Happy Annoyed Squirrel Wednesday, Gerbil Nation!
Good morning, Sven, and Fatwa!
Sven -- I think you have the right of it, in re the thread pic. Squirrels aren’t as gracious as ‘coons.
Fatwa -- I’m glad BK is feeling better this morning. I imagine as BK’s body starts to repair itself from the damage done by the chemo, that she’s also having to readjust her gut flora. That alone can cause severe nausea.
Also, good luck with the prep. I feel for you.
Hiya, Paddy!
Thanks for your thoughts on chemo / gut flora; passed on.
Just took my anti-nausea med; gettin’ ready to guzzle the first 8oz. dose of Auger.
*Hoists measuring cup*
“Over the teeth and over the gums, look out colon…here it comes!”
Update: BK just ordered some probiotics which worked well for FTR in the past and is researching foods which might help (and don’t seem queasy-making).
I bet gefilte fish is right at the top of that list.
We’ll be looking forward to regular updates, Fatwa. Videos not necessary.
Hi, Paddy.
Well that didn’t take long -- Darrell Brooks found guilty.
Maaaaaan…this colonoscopy prep stuff sure is, erm, stunningly efficient. Just finished the first half gallon, so I get to take a break from drinking any more until 5:00 EDT.
And I’m getting quite a workout; kind of like doing wind sprints. (Really glad we have a downstairs bathroom…not much “advance warning”, iffen you catch my drift.)
So very wrong; bravo, sir.
This is sadly hilarious:
Nope, not even gonna try, considering your current condition.
Had a routine dental appointment on the 13th. I guess she stirred up a problem tooth we have been watching because that Saturday began a week of bad pain for me. On this last Friday the right side of my face puffed up and looked like I had half an egg in my cheek, so I saw the dentist on Saturday and a surgeon on Monday. I am scheduled for extraction and an implant on Monday next. Bad timing as Elena goes in for a two spinal injections tomorrow. I have been a bit busy. There should be no problem, I have put up threads through next Wednesday. I have not been having a good time but I would gladly take this all over what you gentle Gerbils have been dealing with. Wish I could do anything to help.
Implants are not cheap, though it seems to me this will be cheaper than when Elena had hers.
Hi Mac.
I’m sorry you’re having to go through this right now (or any time). I hope Elena’s injections and your dental work go well.
Hi Mac -- prayers and good thoughts for both you and Elena. I hope both of you heal up well and quickly.
I second that, for you, and paddy, and Mac and Fatwa and Brenda and everyone!!!
Sorry about your tooth, Mac. Wish I could afford implants for Harper. She would be so happy. The combination of MS, all the prescription drugs, not to mention being English, makes her dental situation a nightmare. Very difficult to keep up with.
I have been trying to find a more “corporate” job--maybe with the city. But I suck at that, so I dunno if I will succeed. But if I do, they have great medical and dental, it’s pretty much the envy of the world : )
The Buick performed admirably on The Big Route. I even finished about an hour early, which was strange, because I felt like I was dragging again.
I varied my office routine when I went to do some stuff in the “upstairs” office, in which I have about 15 minutes of work on an average night. Because of that, I evidently left the front door unlocked with the keys sticking out of it (on the inside)
It’s amazing that this is the first time I’ve done that, but that is the power of crafting a routine. Note to self: Do not break your routine!!! Anyway, as it happened, no harm was done. so that’s good at least, the boss found the keys and the door like that in the morning.