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Just Sven
1 year ago
Reply to  Mac

Bad things happen when you ignore your body’s warning signs.

1 year ago

I don’t think I get it.



DuckHK did his stream on Sunday instead of Saturday, but the daily news roundups have been entertaining and informative.

I didn’t make it to church on Sunday.

We’re still watching Psych. A couple of seasons to go.

I went by the last few days on the wheel, and saw your posts.

I’m not an expert on metal either, (particularly not in the way Mac is : ) however; I do like some of the newer sub genres. The instrumentation has evolved somewhat with 6 string basses and 8 string guitars and such, mostly providing lower notes. Time was, low E was as low as you could get in the Rock genre, due to the instrumentation. You could tune your low bass string down to D or lower, on both your guitar and bass, but the newer instruments are “fatter” sounding. Also metal drumming has gotten more advanced: the Bass guitar and the usually double bass drums are more tonally matched and produce a nice low punch, and increased virtuosity between the bass player and drummer these days produces some very fast punchy foundations for whatever sub style they are shooting for. The impossibly fast drumming and bass lines have a pretty satisfying sound that seems to hit people right smack dab in the center of their instinct.

That is all.

Just Sven
1 year ago
Reply to  dv8

Ive always liked this documentary. a true fan that doesn’t take things too seriously, but doesn’t skimp on details either. This is Part -- I think it was a full 7-part series.

Paddy O'Furnijur
1 year ago

Happy Monday, Gerbil Nation!
Good morning, Mac, Sven, and dv8 (and Harper!)!

With cats, if you aren’t sure where you stand, ask the cat.

dv8 -- thanks for the lesson on Metal. I had no idea what went into making the newer sounds.

1 year ago

Okay. I have now decided that the Smashburger is one of, if not the, best way to cook a burger.

Using the griddle in the house makes a mess, because you need extrememly high heat, but I can just put the griddle on top of my outdoor BBQ and then the mess is outside, where it belongs.

1 year ago

Just Sven
1 year ago
Reply to  dv8

Interesting. Bookmarked for later.

1 year ago
Reply to  Just Sven

I’m finding I can’t put oil or butter down on my well seasoned griddle. If I do so, the meat doesn’t stick and you don’t get as good a crust on the “a” side.

I just made a couple of doubledeckers and ate ’em both! Probably a whole pound (uncooked)

Last edited 1 year ago by dv8
1 year ago
Reply to  dv8

I get those 1lb chubbs and weigh them and divide them equally into 4

Just Sven
1 year ago

Saw Sound of Freedom over the weekend. It’s been playing at both local theaters since July 4. Yesterday, there were only a dozen of us in the theater, so maybe it’s run its course.

The first ten minutes of the film are incredibly well done and brutal. It’s an effective setup for the rest of the story. Overall, it’s a powerful movie, as well done as anything Hollywood puts out, but I think some flaws. 1) It’s a good half hour too long. 2) I think its funny that Mira Sorvino gets star billing, while only appearing in two scenes with 4-5 lines. 3) Jim Caviezel’s acting is mostly one-dimensional. 4) The last half hour jungle rescue is silly and unrealistic.Per Tim Ballard, it never happened.

All that being said, its popularity is deserved. It made up us weep and the child actors are all very good. Very good soundtrack.

1 year ago
Reply to  Just Sven

we’ll probably see it on some streaming thing when the time comes.

Just Sven
1 year ago
Reply to  dv8

Elon Musk was saying something about putting it on twitter for free last month -- kinda what he did for What is a Woman.

1 year ago
Reply to  Just Sven

hmm… Sounds good.

I’ve been watching Tucker on there as well as a few others.

1 year ago

You know, speaking of Twitter or X as it is now called:

I decided to apply for monetization as I do qualify for it, number wise, I think. According to my account information, while I do qualify for other types of monetization, I do not yet qualify for ad revenue. I’m not sure how much I’d make anyway with only around 17K subscribers. I haven’t been quite as active on there as I was early on, so I could probably have grown my subs to at least twice that by now, but I tend to avoid doing things that are addictive. I’m not sure if not having the addictive personality is a good thing or a bad thing, but, for better or worse, I do tend to stop doing things that I like to do a lot. I think that might be bad, in some ways and good in others.

Also, recently I was invited to join the “community notes” program, which I did; I guess it takes a while before you can actually make a note, but once live, I should be able to see the notes early when they are made. StyxHexenHammer666 says he was invited early on, and he says it’s a blast to participate in.

I’m not sure I’ll be researching and making any notes, but who knows. I can also participate by rating and/or evaluating the notes that are made by others.

Last edited 1 year ago by dv8
Paddy O'Furnijur
1 year ago
Reply to  dv8

I think you should do it, dv8. Get your voice and your thoughts out there.

1 year ago

I’ve been thinking maybe I should put my maunderings on twitter.

Kind of Donovan Worland style.

1 year ago
Reply to  dv8

one problem with that is my halted kinesthetic sperg speech. Pretty hard to present something similar without editing or writing a script. And once you write a script it’s a different experience. Here’s an example of how boring I am reading from a script:

Just Sven
1 year ago
Reply to  dv8

Like most things, I imagine it takes practice as well as some expert guidance/classes.

Just Sven
1 year ago

The latest chapter in the Get Trump saga going on tonight -- indictments in Georgia. I got no idea as to how this all turns out.

Fuck it. I’m having a couple of shots of good vodka -- something I never do during the week and thinking abut Walt Whitman.

TO the States or any one of them, or any city of the States, Resist
much, obey little,
Once unquestioning obedience, once fully enslaved,
Once fully enslaved, no nation, state, city of this earth, ever after-
ward resumes its liberty.

Last edited 1 year ago by Just Sven