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1 year ago

Well… Almost done with work for the day.

It went pretty smoothly.

We have some deliveries coming this morning. or afternoon.

That’s all I got.

Just Sven
1 year ago

Good morning, Dv8 -- hope you grab some breakfast and some rest.

Over at the ONT at AoS, they had a Black Oak Arkansas video from the California Jam in 1974. I was thinking that the first two albums that I ever bought with my own money were Mott the Hoople’s Mott and BOA’s Raunch ‘n Roll. Rode my 10-speed Schwinn bicycle after school to a record store on Topanga Cyn south of Ventura Blvd: Od’ Tunes and Mole Music. Fifty years later I still remember that.

It used to be a common conversation while sitting around with friends talking and drinking -- what was the first album you ever bought with your own money? I was thinking this morning that that’s a question that today’s youth wouldn’t even understand, much less appreciate. I think it’s a combination of things. 1) They don’t even really know what an album is -- that it was a tangible and fragile thing that you held in your hands; that there were liner notes, lyrics, and other extras that you devoured; and that it needed equipment in order to use, and 2) The idea of “owning” things is more or less foreign to them, and 3) The idea of buying things with hard cash is pretty foreign to them.

Different times and different values and a different way of looking at life.

Just Sven
1 year ago

It looks like, Paddy, that you plate is more than overflowing with tasks -- good luck.

Paddy O'Furnijur
1 year ago

Happy Wednesday, Gerbil Nation!
Good morning, dv8 (and Harper!), and Sven!

dv8 -- glad that work went well and hope that continues. Make sure to fit some rest into your day.

I’m leaving for my deposition in about 15 minutes. Wish me luck.

Paddy O'Furnijur
1 year ago

Well, that was interesting. I was half-way to my attorney’s office when he texted and called me to let me know that the plaintiff cancelled the deposition. I don’t know what that really means or what the implications are. My attorney still plans on deposing the plaintiff, but a date hasn’t been set for that, yet.

Of course with SoCal traffic being what it is, it took me longer to get home than it did to get to where I turned around.

Just Sven
1 year ago

Huh. That is interesting. You’ll have to let teh wheel know what it means once you know -- I hope it’s a good sign.

Paddy O'Furnijur
1 year ago
Reply to  Just Sven

It turns out to not be much of anything. The plaintiff’s attorney is upset with the lack of production of documents on the part of myself and the school district, so she’s rescheduling the deposition. In the meantime, she’ll probably go to court to try and compel production of my personnel files, which are private and protected by both state and federal law. She’ll probably also ask for the investigative report which conducted by an outside firm when I first ran into trouble with the school district. That one could be redacted to remove the names of other students.

Just Sven
1 year ago


1 year ago

Best of luck!!!