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Just Sven
7 months ago

Happy Thursday, GN --

Has anyone read Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales? I’m kind of struggling through it.

Paddy O'Furnijur
7 months ago

Sure Happy It’s Thursday, Gerbil Nation!
Good morning, Sven!

I’ve never read Chaucer -- other than what I just read a few minutes ago. Are you reading it in Middle English, or a translation?

I see that the head of the Republican Party in Arizona has resigned. His resignation letter accepts no responsibility and blames Kari Lake for setting him up. That might fly if the recorded conversation weren’t available for everyone to hear.

Just Sven
7 months ago

It’s a modern prose translation. The Miller’s tale -- quite bawdy with farting and ass kissing.

Just Sven
7 months ago

So will the Second Civil War start in Texas with shots being fired over securing the border?

Paddy O'Furnijur
7 months ago
Reply to  Just Sven

If Slow-Joe nationalizes the TNG, it could.

Just Sven
7 months ago

Ace does have a way with words that I’ve always admired. Case in point:

Fani Willis’ beat-up brokedown busted-out snuzz looks and smells like a fairgrounds after a Phish concert.