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Just Sven
6 months ago

Good morning, GN.

Just Sven
6 months ago

It takes a special kind of crazy to set yourself on fire to protest a “genocide” that doesn’t exist in a country where your fantasy isn’t even happening.

It takes a special level on incompetence, assuming this guy really was a member of the Air Force, to not notice/take action when one of your members is going batshit crazy.

When I read reports of the incident yesterday, I was critical of the police response. Watching the video, I don’t think they acted badly.

Paddy O'Furnijur
6 months ago

Happy Monday, Gerbil Nation!
Good morning, Sven!

I think “batshit crazy” is what the armed forces are looking for, these days. They certainly haven’t been pushing for competence.

Just Sven
6 months ago

What a poor, sad man. I feel badly for him that he was so lost that he thought this was a good idea, but Im thankful he didn’t go the homicidal route.

Just Sven
6 months ago

It’s quiet here…too quiet.