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Just Sven
7 months ago

Sniff. I miss democracy. At least we still have cat videos.

Paddy O'Furnijur
7 months ago

Happy Super Tuesday, Gerbil Nation!
Good morning, Sven!

Why is it called Super Tuesday in California?
Because we look at who’s on the ballot and say “super”.

Adam Schiff has been pouring lots of money into ads that attack Steve Garvey, giving Garvey additional name recognition. Why? Because he wants Garvey on the ballot, not Katie Porter or Barbara Lee.

Just Sven
7 months ago

It’s not a bad strategy.

Just Sven
7 months ago

Odd. Even tho democracy died the other day, in darkness, the sun is out.

Lunchtime. Checked the water leak situation and did some testing. Confident now that it was the water feature flow valve that jacked up our water usage. Got it shut off manually now and will work on it this coming weekend.

Paddy O'Furnijur
7 months ago
Reply to  Just Sven

That sounds promising.
Unless the raccoons turn it back on.

Just Sven
7 months ago
Reply to  Mac

You guys sound like our cat: “It wasn’t me -- it was those coons.”

Just Sven
7 months ago
Reply to  Mac

Yeah, yeah, yeah. But that’s like mob rule.

Just Sven
7 months ago

Even tho democracy is dead, went out and cast my ballot. Tell you what, if there’s anyplace outside of the muslim world where democracy is dead, it’s California.