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Just Sven
4 months ago

Hmmmm. It’s a cat. Still, the thread pic makes me smile.

LAPD vs. UCLA-hamas is still ongoing. Mostly peaceful. So far. They seem to be getting down to the last strokes.

Our squirrel is still alive -- time for another feeding attempt. Tatum is home but hasn’t noticed him yet.

He’s more active this morning -- got some more water down him, but the formula isn’t working. Try again in a couple of hours.

Afternoon update -- finally got him to eat some formula. He got quite active grasping the eyedropper with his hands and sucking. Now he’s sleeping. I ordered some special squirrel formula that will be here tomorrow.

Another update -- we got some water into him (pedialyte) again this afternoon later -- we’ll give him a couple of hours and then some formula. Based on the intertubes, he’s at least 4 weeks old, maybe 5.

Last edited 4 months ago by Just Sven
Just Sven
4 months ago
Reply to  Mac

What type of event?

Just Sven
4 months ago
Reply to  Mac

Works. Thanks. Have fun!

Just Sven
4 months ago

Brandon seems to be making more public appearances lately and as usual, sticking his foot in his mouth while shambling around. He isn’t reassuring the public that he’s fit to be POTUS for another 4 years, but I think he’s got staff/allies telling him he needs to do this and it’s working.
Why? I think it’s all part of the plot to replace him at the dem convention. In a few months, someone is going to tell him he has to step down or all his good hard work of the last 4 years is going to be poof. That will be a hard sell, but doable. It may not be the bloodbath I expected, more of a stepping down for health reasons and the greater good kind of thing.

Paddy O'Furnijur
4 months ago

Sure Happy It’s Thursday, Gerbil Nation!
Good morning, Sven, and Mac!

Mac -- safe travels. I hope you and Elena have a great time!

Sven -- I’m glad your woodland friend is still with you and that Jack Tatum hasn’t caused any problems.

Paddy O'Furnijur
4 months ago

Teh Older’s father-in-law went in for emergency bypass surgery yesterday. From what we hear, the surgery went better than well. Teh Older and his bride flew out early this morning to be with the family, so Mrs. Paddy and I are cat-sitting. Every time she comes over, she’s more comfortable, which is good.

Just Sven
4 months ago

Prayers for your son’s FiL, Paddy. Prayers too for you and Mrs Paddy with that cat.

Just Sven
4 months ago

The squirrel is doing much better tonight. Hope it’s a sign he’s moving in the right direction.
