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Just Sven
4 months ago

Happy Saturday, GN -- my bet is that bird is not long for the world.

Our squirrel is still hanging on. Looks much healthier, more active, and vocalizing a bit. He’s picky on his formula tho. First bought, because it was available and approved for squirrels, Esbiliac puppy milk replacement. Then ordered some replacement milk powder designed for squirrels -- he doesn’t like that one and had to switch back to the puppy milk, which he ate.

Have some solid squirrel food blocks arriving hopefully today so we can see if he’s old enough to be weaned.

And back to work -- I got a whole day ahead of me. Spit.

Just Sven
4 months ago
Reply to  Mac

That one is cuter than ours.

The plan is to get him on solid food and then cut him loose once we are sure he’s past the nursing stage. He’s really playing Mrs Sven’s mothering instincts, so I don’t know if she’ll be able to pull the trigger and let him go on his own when he’s able.

Paddy O'Furnijur
4 months ago

Happy Caturday, Gerbil Nation!
Good morning, Sven, and Mac!

Sven -- I’m glad your squirrel is doing well. Let’s hope that continues. Sorry about that day of work.

We got a call last night from Teh Older and his bride. His FiL is doing well and getting stronger. Everyone else is exhausted.

Just Sven
4 months ago

Good news on your in-laws, Paddy.

Just Sven
4 months ago

Another day done. Good rest, friends.