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Just Sven
3 months ago

I think your Governor needs to mandate masks and respirators, doesn’t he? Can California citizens be trusted to make such decisions for themselves?

He should put together a committee as well.

I was unfamiliar with Gavin de Becker, but I watched this Mike Rowe conversation with him and was fascinated. The whole thing is worth watching, but at the 1 hour mark they get into covid and excess deaths if you want to take a look.


Just Sven
3 months ago
Reply to  Mac

Glad you enjoyed, Mac. Patterico has really gone down the tubes -- I look at it a couple of ties year and ask myself each time why I bothered.

Question: Had you heard of Gavin De Becker before watching it?

3 months ago
Reply to  Mac

This was a very unpopular opinion I often voiced in 2001. At the time I thought 1 out of 4 was a dismal number. I didn’t know that even then there were mitagating factors. Bayes theorem predicts this. Sometimes. Will new information change a decision tree? Sometimes not, but sometimes yes.

I ask myself: When have I been cowardly? When have I been bold? And even in the second case, when I acted boldly and correctly, did I really know the stakes? If I knew the effects on my own life would I have been less bold. Or, would I have been more bold in the former case if I understood the stakes better?

Just Sven
3 months ago

Happy Monday, GN.

Paddy O'Furnijur
3 months ago

Happy “Life comes at you fast” Monday, Gerbil Nation!
Good morning, Sven!

I hope you were able to get some sleep with all the smoke in the air.

Just Sven
3 months ago

Hi, Paddy -- slept normally, but it is smokey out.

Paddy O'Furnijur
3 months ago
Reply to  Mac


Just Sven
3 months ago
Reply to  Mac

Good on the old guy -- taught his kid a lesson.

Just Sven
3 months ago

Well I’m done for this Monday -- good night, friends.

PS. I don’t know why, but I’m really missing talking to Fatwa today.

Last edited 3 months ago by Just Sven