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Just Sven
2 months ago

Good morning, GN. Speaking of drunks in a bar, a big SCOTUS Day today -- have to see what rulings will now disappoint us or cause liberal tears to flow.

Paddy O'Furnijur
2 months ago
Reply to  Just Sven

Too many of the justices seem afraid of making rulings that clearly support the Constitution, and instead just nibble around the edges.

Paddy O'Furnijur
2 months ago

Happy “Jealous Cat” Wednesday, Gerbil Nation!
Good morning, Sven!

The compressor fan on our AC unit won’t start without a little shove. Sunday was the first day we used our AC and it worked fine, but the fan was making a bit of noise. Monday afternoon I noticed it needed a little help to get started, so I lubricated the fan. Yesterday, it wouldn’t start without help, even though it spins freely. This morning I took off the side panel to do a visual inspection of the capacitor, and it looks fine. The unit is 8 years old and the capacitor should be good for 15 to 20 years. It’s still under warranty, so I called the company we bought the unit from and left a message. We’ll see how long it takes for them to get back to me.

Just Sven
2 months ago
Reply to  Mac

Is it easy to do?

Paddy O'Furnijur
2 months ago
Reply to  Mac

It’s a single capacitor for both the fan and compressor. Replacing it is pretty straight-forward, assuming the replacement capacitor is of the same physical configuration as the original. Otherwise you need to get a roll of plumbers tape (perforated metal strapping) to hold it in place. I don’t want to order a replacement, only to find out the problem is with the fan motor.

My dad taught me how to pull a high-voltage arc off the high voltage transformer of a TV You better believe I’m careful around big capacitors!

When I had to replace the capacitor on our old unit, it was obvious that it was bad -- it was bulging.

Just Sven
2 months ago
Reply to  Mac

You guys know more than me. Electricity scares me.