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Just Sven
1 month ago

Friday it is. Thankfully.

Paddy O'Furnijur
1 month ago

Happy Friday, Gerbil Nation!
Good morning, Sven!

It looks like the elites are abandoning Brandon. I wonder what their play is? Just give up on this election? Every possible replacement polls worse than Brandon.

Just Sven
1 month ago

Hi, Paddy!

I didn’t know the dems even had elites up until last week -- I thought they all belonged to Trump.

I think right now, the left is completely confused and unsure what’s next. I thought they had a plan, those “elites,” but maybe not. Or that plan was Brandon leaving months ago followed by the replacement game, and he threw a wrench in their plans.

What needs to be hammered home is that Brandon isn’t fit right now and needs to be removed -- it’s a bigger issue than the election -- and the coverup. There’s a lot of fodder for Republicans to use now and for the rest of the year -- i hope they have the balls to do so.

Paddy O'Furnijur
1 month ago
Reply to  Just Sven

i hope they have the balls to do so.

That’s a lot of hope.

Given the recent admissions by the MSM that they’ve known for years that Brandon wasn’t up to the job and the recent leaks by the WH that everything is scripted for Brandon, and he hasn’t held a full cabinet meeting since October, it seems pretty apparent that those in charge are trying to force Brandon out.