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Just Sven
1 month ago

I can relate to the thread pic.

Regarding the convention. I watched more of it this year than in any years past. The first three days were masterful -- well-paced, no wasted motions, and more than a few standout speeches each night. Last night, not so much. There was something off. On the Trump side, Melania seemed less than enthused to be there and their son, Barron, didn’t attend at all. The band played more songs than normal and stretched many three minute covers to 8-9 minutes.

The speaker lineup in the hours leading up to Trump’s speech was erratic. More than a few golf types, unknown business people, and the Hulk Hogan appearance was dreadful. I’ve seen good reviews of Tucker Carlson’s speech, but I didn’t care for it. The best one was Dana White’s introduction to Trump -- he always delivers.

Trump’s speech itself started out emotionally as he told the story from his perspective of the assassination attempt Saturday. Trump himself seemed very low energy and then he warmed up, but seemed to be just repeating the same points, with his usual hyperbole, that he gives during every public rally. We give, and rightfully so, shit to Brandon as he can’t keep his thoughts together but Trump meandered all over the place to the point where it made me wonder if mentally he’s all there. I think what he really needs is a week off to rest and to straighten out whatever family problems he may have.

The thing he didn’t really hit on is the mess that is the dem party now, that the dems and the media hid Brandon’s senility from the public for years, and that Brandon should not be POTUS right now regardless of whether he runs or not. He missed out on a great opportunity to sow more discord in the left.

All in all, despite the glowing reviews I’m reading this morning, the convention ended on a low note when it didn’t have to. Red meat to the base, but little to bring in those on the fence.

Paddy O'Furnijur
1 month ago
Reply to  Just Sven

The Gold Star families speeches and presentations were powerful and what the convention needed.

Just Sven
1 month ago

A highlight and very moving.

Paddy O'Furnijur
1 month ago

Happy Friday, Gerbil Nation!
Good morning, Sven!

It’s going to be a hot one today, so I mowed the lawn early this morning.

Just Sven
1 month ago

Hot out here too, Paddy -- supposed to stay hot the next several days.

Just Sven
1 month ago

I’m learning restraint. Today my boss sent out a message saying “I have to leave right now. My wife just called and she’s stuck in a car wash.”

Did. Not. Respond. Yeah, me.

Paddy O'Furnijur
1 month ago
Reply to  Just Sven

That took a lot of restraint. I appreciate the effort.