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Paddy O'Furnijur
4 days ago

Happy Studious Raccoon Friday, Gerbil Nation!
Each semester at my school is broken into four “Learning Periods”, at the end of which we have to submit grades and upload samples of student work. Today is when that is all due. Mine are done, but I’ve now got to clean up some enrollment discrepancies with the supervising teacher and front office.

Teh Younger will probably go into his main work location on one of the barrier islands. It will be interesting to hear what he finds.

Just Sven
4 days ago

Thread pic -- could apply to cats as well except for the “I studied so much” part.

Good morning, GN -- hello, Paddy. Are the “learning periods” the same as a report card and given to each student or is this more of an admin task?

Paddy O'Furnijur
4 days ago
Reply to  Just Sven

You could think of them like report cards, but mandated by the state for non classroom-based charter schools. Students and parents get a chance to see how they are doing and if they are getting all of their work done. The state looks at the “attendance” figures and can review the work samples to make sure we are actually requiring students to work. Attendance is kind of weird for non classroom-based charter schools. Students must be engaged with their curriculum and complete what the teacher considers to be a full-day’s work in order to be given attendance credit. Unlike traditional schools who get paid as long as there is a butt in the seat, we have to show that they completed a day’s worth of work.

Just Sven
4 days ago

Unlike traditional schools who get paid as long as there is a butt in the seat, we have to show that they completed a day’s worth of work.

Odd, that. Thanks for the explanation, Paddy.

Paddy O'Furnijur
4 days ago
Reply to  Just Sven

The California Teachers Association (union) hates charter schools and gives enough money to Democrats that they have been able to have a lot of their legislation passed that makes it difficult for charter schools to operate.

Just Sven
4 days ago

All this recent talk from feminists about “masculinity” especially the “toxic” kind makes me wonder where they were a year ago when “palestinians” were raping, torturing, mutilating, and killing women. That seems a lot more toxic to me than some guy saying a woman’s place is in the kitchen.

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