Happy Happy-Kitteh Friday, Gerbil Nation!
Good morning, Fatwa!
Yesterday, Teh Older and I saw a Cooper’s Hawk in our pine tree in the backyard, eating a rat. Good Cooper’s Hawk! This morning that same hawk is on our fence, right where I hang the bird feeder (the rats come out at dusk to try and get to the feeder before I bring it in for the night). I’ve decided not to put out the feeder for a while. With the hawk there, no other birds are going to come around anyway, and I’d rather the hawk get a nice meal of rat, rather than bird. Normally by this time of morning the birds would be flocking around our fountain, waiting for me to turn it on. Not this morning. I think I’ll wait to turn it on until after the hawk has left.
He who has the gold makes the rules. The REAL golden rule.
Marxists are wealth manipulators and though they may not have “all” the gold, they certainly have a lot of it. And as such, they make a LOT of the rules.
The trouble is, you really have no individual enemy. It’s like trying to eradicate ant colonies by stepping on ants. The colony doesn’t “know” about the ants. The individuals don’t really ‘know” about the collective either. Individuals can be changed though. When we change a person--when many of us do that--it’s like positive antibodies eradicating a disease.
The disease is Marxism. It’s much worse than CCP-19.
Happy Friday, Wheelizens!
With a bit of luck, the hell-job may be completed by the end of the day.
AFAIC (ditto Jim), this can’t happen too soon.
That’s good news. Here’s hoping it ends well and today.
Happy Happy-Kitteh Friday, Gerbil Nation!
Good morning, Fatwa!
Yesterday, Teh Older and I saw a Cooper’s Hawk in our pine tree in the backyard, eating a rat. Good Cooper’s Hawk! This morning that same hawk is on our fence, right where I hang the bird feeder (the rats come out at dusk to try and get to the feeder before I bring it in for the night). I’ve decided not to put out the feeder for a while. With the hawk there, no other birds are going to come around anyway, and I’d rather the hawk get a nice meal of rat, rather than bird. Normally by this time of morning the birds would be flocking around our fountain, waiting for me to turn it on. Not this morning. I think I’ll wait to turn it on until after the hawk has left.
That hawk is looking at you and being pissed off about your “human privilege.”
Hi Sven! Always good to see you.
The hawk flew off late this morning and I found it in the pine tree, devouring another rat. I like this hawk.
He who has the gold makes the rules. The REAL golden rule.
Marxists are wealth manipulators and though they may not have “all” the gold, they certainly have a lot of it. And as such, they make a LOT of the rules.
The trouble is, you really have no individual enemy. It’s like trying to eradicate ant colonies by stepping on ants. The colony doesn’t “know” about the ants. The individuals don’t really ‘know” about the collective either. Individuals can be changed though. When we change a person--when many of us do that--it’s like positive antibodies eradicating a disease.
The disease is Marxism. It’s much worse than CCP-19.