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Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

It’s Snow Pea Wednesday; woo hoo!!1!

Sven --

Sorry you had a carpy day yesterday; hope that today’s better.

I’m glad you found a good garage; that’s no small thing.


“This comment brought to you by H-E-B, purveyors of fine frozen vegetables.”

snow peas.jpg
Last edited 3 years ago by Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist
3 years ago

Still on TOR, can’t see the thread pic.

Hey Fatwa!

The last month or so, I’ve been binging on the Savage Podcast at work mostly. So I started with the first available episode which is roundabout 3 years old, maybe 3. 5 years. It starts out some months into the Trump Presidency. Not sure how many. It’s kind of a wild ride. Savage is quite unique. Anyway, makes me wanna beg you to aim the Jewish Space Laser ™ at Washington.

No pressure.

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist
Reply to  dv8

Hi, dv8 (and Harper!!1!) --

You know I’m not really a space laser operator, right? (Yeah, I’m sort o’ guilty of stolen Zionist valor…)

The only guy I know at teh Rothschild Heat Ray Control Center who might do me a solid is Mordechai. I’ll ring him up later today, but FYI he’s not good about returning phone calls. 👿

Just Sven
3 years ago

Damn. That’s a good looking coin. Want.

3 years ago
Reply to  Just Sven


Just Sven
3 years ago

You know I’m not really a space laser operator, right?

Exactly what a space laser operator would say.

Just Sven
3 years ago

Good morning, Fatwa, and Dv8 -- happy day, GN!

Over the hill in LA County, they are “recommending” mask wearing again due to the covid delta-variant. After two weeks of mask freedom, I think it’s going to be a hard sell.

Regarding work, I was reminded once again yesterday that doing the right thing isn’t always the smartest thing to stay employed -- not quite sure how this episode will play out, but I have the feeling that it isn’t over yet.

I forgot that the guiding principle for a paycheck at teh bestest place ever is “make no waves and keep your mouth shut.” Not that that’s an anomaly applicable to most organizations.

3 years ago
Reply to  Just Sven

wow… well that sounds ominous.

3 years ago

Anyway, I got done with the big route a bit earlier than usual. The papers were on time, not early, but I kept my focus and was fairly efficient, despite some mishaps with the machinery which took some time to remedy.

3 years ago
Reply to  dv8

And with that, it’s time to say goodnight. Until afternoon anyway.


3 years ago
Reply to  Mac

i’ll check it out and let you know.

3 years ago
Reply to  Mac

Yogananda basically called this “double breathing” and you described the technique pretty accurately. Even though I was being silly with my deep breaths comment, it really is a viable technique.

Like, and along with, various forms of meditation (which I should be doing, but haven’t been doing in a while)

Thanks for reminding me of that. I need to start up again. Maybe my outlook and focus, especially for new projects, will improve. (It can’t get any worse and can only get better from where it’s at right now--that’s for sure)

Last edited 3 years ago by dv8
3 years ago

Okay, this really IS goodnight now.

Paddy O'Furnijur
3 years ago

Happy Wednesday, Gerbil Nation!
Good morning, Fatwa, dv8, Sven, and Mac!

dv8 -- glad you’re enjoying Savage. I tried listening to him when he was on the radio and just couldn’t get into his style. Glad The Big Route went well.

Sven -- sorry about your work issues. That’s got to suck. Glad you were able to find an honest mechanic.

Fatwa -- that’s some challenge coin you’ve got there. That pretty much trumps any others you’re likely to come across.

Just Sven
3 years ago
Reply to  Mac

I’ve found that talk radio hosts are fine while driving, more or less, but I have a hard time with podcasts. On the talk radio side, I like Larry Elder, Dennis Prager, Michael Medved, and Ben Shapiro. I’m fairly burned out on both Mark Levin and Sean Hannity. Gutfeld and Carlson are trending that direction.

It’s hard to listen to the same anger and outrage over and over again. I don’t know how teh left does it.

3 years ago
Reply to  Mac

Speaking of….

Remember how Ken Hamblin just disappeared suddenly from everywhere. He had absolutely no presence at all.

Now he has a youtube presence, but it’s very small. I’ve been meaning to ask him what happened. I might get an answer; that’s how small he is.

Last edited 3 years ago by dv8
3 years ago
Reply to  Mac


just in case you are interested. Not even 1000 subs.

Just Sven
3 years ago

Regarding work, the politics at this place are unfathomable. It was hard enough knowing who was forthright when I could see them face-to-face; now, working remote, it’s become impossible. What happened Monday could be nothing or it could still become something. If it does become something, then it will come at me out of the blue and it will be about my “attitude.” I have documented things fully, but at this place being in the right and in accordance with published policies don’t mean much.

So it goes…

Just Sven
3 years ago
Reply to  Mac

I’m a small office guy myself, Mac. I’d be happiest in a company of not more than a couple of hundred people max. This will all work out, one way or the other.

3 years ago

I guess I’m awake again. I had to run an errand at the church, and I’m back again.

I want to go to walmart if I can get myself to go.

Regarding Savage:

He reminds me of my Dad. His anecdotes are very similar. His over the top egocentric antics do not bother me at all. I find them very entertaining.

A lot of that “this should be illegal” stuff is hyperbole. You gotta understand the Bronx attitude. My dad was from South Jersey. It’s a similar thing. The people there are very different in temperament.

Anyway, all y’all are not the first people that were surprised that I like Savage. But I really get nostalgic for my Dad when I hear him.

I’ve listened to him off and on since the early 2000s. He’s always been pretty conservative, but you can’t pigeon hole him on every issue. His first career was as a botanist.

Also little known, he’s pretty good friends with Donald Trump, and Donald credits him and the distillation of his message “Borders, Language, Culture” with obtaining the presidency..

3 years ago
Reply to  Mac

He probably has toned it down since then. He left the radio the first of the year 2021, going to podcast only. But he started publishing his radio shows as a podcast about 3 years ago, so it was a seamless transition.

NOW… The real question is:

When he called Jackie Kennedy a whore, did he pronounce it (properly in east coast fashion) as a two syllable word, as: WHO-err? That’s the east coast pronunciation and it sounds even more disdainful. (As well as reminding me of my Dad even more)?

Last edited 3 years ago by dv8
3 years ago

oh, and the thread pic started appearing on TOR.

Hmmmmmmmmmmmm….. I just wonder if that means the wheel is up again on suddenlink.

3 years ago
Reply to  dv8

nope. Theory disproved.

3 years ago

By the way… this:


Bongino said that organizations with all backgrounds and political beliefs would be welcome to use the platform, including ones aligned with conservatives, such as anti-abortion groups and pro-gun rights organizations, but also liberal groups such as the Black Lives Matter organization or ‘Defund the Police’ groups. The only groups that will not be allowed on the platform are those involved in “any criminality,” said Bongino.

There is already “Subscribe Star” to counter the cancel-happy Patreon. This was really needed. A few people have tried but they were not as deep pocket platforms and they didn’t survive the relentless attacks. Hopefully this one will last.

3 years ago
Reply to  dv8

Now someone has to create a cancel resistant ad platform. I believe it would be doable but would end up being smaller because not that many companies want to put themselves out there as targets. But If it got started, it would definitively grow.

If they targeted smaller creators they could also fill a niche that is currently unfilled and people like me with only a few hundred subs, could get ad revenue.

Last edited 3 years ago by dv8
Paddy O'Furnijur
3 years ago
Reply to  dv8

I read about that. Hopefully it will survive the efforts to cancel it. I’m especially concerned about MasterCard and Visa getting even moar into the act. If you can’t process MC and Visa transactions, then that pretty much limits you to bank-to-bank transactions. Yeah, I know, MC and Visa are violating their charters when they do that, but who is going to prosecute them?

3 years ago

By the way, Donald Trump is on Rumble. I just paired my TV with my rumble account--been meaning to do that.

A lot of great commentary guys are on there. StyxHexenHammer666 is awesome. (still on youtube partly. DuckHK de-platformed from Youtube also pretty good. And now…

President Donald J. Trump.

Roku has a Rumble app, amazingly, I don’t know if any other smart TV platforms do.

Last edited 3 years ago by dv8
3 years ago
Reply to  dv8

I will say that Rumble had to agree to some more stringent terms in order to host The Donald. I recently found out why he is NOT on GAB, for example. It comes down to antisemitic posters (most of which are fake leftist trolls (probably 98%) but it still looks bad, I guess.

Torba of GAB is a free speech absolutist though, so won’t ban them even though he knows most of them are soros fakes.

Honestly, I could do without them, but I’d rather have a mostly free platform where conservatives and others can debate each other than have it be full of fake BS.

I feel like the legitimate Jew Haters are slightly less annoying than the fake ones, but on open platforms I just block or mute them all. I’d rather not read that crap regardless of whether it’s fake or not.

Last edited 3 years ago by dv8