This is what I picture in my mind. I don’t know what part of the Constitution authorizes the government to sell future generations into financial bondage.
Sure Happy It’s Thursday here in Chilly (34ºF) Happy Larryville, GN!
dv8 --
Glad you’re pleased with Teh “Tube” after getting it dialed-in volume-wise.
Still quite vexed with several JimCo customers…both some property managers and many homeowners / tenants. Don’t understand how their failures to heed warnings -- in some cases from several years ago -- is somehow our problem because we can’t investigate / repair things quickly enough.
I think a lot of the impatience has been made worse due to Kovid Krayzeeness, but still…
I should be grateful for the opportunity, but I vacillate.
Last edited 2 years ago by Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist
Apparently there is a “Fanfare for the First Lady”. The USMC band says they were asked to compose a piece of walk-up music for the First Lady. The First Lady’s spokes-hole says it was the Marine Band’s idea. Whoever’s idea this was, I’m sure we can all agree that the “music” fits this administration.
Sure Happy It’s Thursday here in Chilly (34ºF) Happy Larryville, GN!
dv8 --
Glad you’re pleased with Teh “Tube” after getting it dialed-in volume-wise.
Still quite vexed with several JimCo customers…both some property managers and many homeowners / tenants. Don’t understand how their failures to heed warnings -- in some cases from several years ago -- is somehow our problem because we can’t investigate / repair things quickly enough.
I think a lot of the impatience has been made worse due to Kovid Krayzeeness, but still…
I should be grateful for the opportunity, but I vacillate.
Ooooh…Happy Fakey-Pretend Insurrection Day; let the podium stealing commence!!1!
And be sure to stay within the velvet ropes.
Happy Insurrection Day!
I’m thinking that this should become a holiday that teh right appropriates for our own use. I’m thinking of flying my Gadsden flag today.
Good morning, Fatwa. Sorry my CA neighbors are still acting like jerks.
Please make it so, so I can laugh and laugh and laugh.
yup. I’m telling Harper to wave her wand as hard as possible.
I guess it’s goodnight for now. Hope everyone’s day goes swimmingly.
Sure Happy It’s Thursday, Gerbil Nation!
Good morning, Fatwa, Sven, and dv8 (and Harper!)!
Happy Insurrection Day!
I agree, this should become a holiday on the Right.
Sven -- thanks for the music on the MO!
dv8 -- good luck on the Big Route.
Hello, Dv8, and Paddy! Happy 1/6!
Mrs Sven has a glass of brandy on her desk -- probably not a good sign of how her day is going.
Well, I guess that’s better than a bottle. Sorry her day is not going well.
Apparently there is a “Fanfare for the First Lady”. The USMC band says they were asked to compose a piece of walk-up music for the First Lady. The First Lady’s spokes-hole says it was the Marine Band’s idea. Whoever’s idea this was, I’m sure we can all agree that the “music” fits this administration.
It’s a bit reminiscent of the theme from “F Troop”.
It’s also -- IMO -- a highly mediocre little POS.
“Thunder And Blazes” (Deb’s unofficial theme) would be more appropriate.
As I said, it fits this administration.
Amazing that they still keep on with the Brian Sicknick bullshit.
Can’t let a good lie go to waste.
Remember how he died of some kind of stroke or blood clot at home, and we though nothing of it?
I don’t remember for certain, but didn’t we have the MRNA shots by then? Was he jabbed?
I wonder.
With all the 1/6 angst occurring today, I really wish John Kerry could get James Taylor to sing “You Got a Friend” again to cheer everybody up.