Happy Monday, Gerbil Nation!
Good morning, Fatwa, Sven, and dv8 (and Harper!)!
I’ve got this week off for spring break, but I’ll be putting in a few partial days to clear out some of my work backlog.
It was a cold, dreary weekend, but it’s supposed to reach over 90°F later in the week. Warmer weather would be nice, but I don’t need it to be that warm.
Hi, Paddy -- warmer temperatures here too, plus wind forecast.
We attended what was supposed to be a memorial service for our friend Frank last night. “Supposed to be” because the funeral home had misplaced his ashes -- we’ll try again tonight. His sister and her son-in-law are here from Detroit for only a couple of days, so I hope it works out today.
Scanning the headlines, I see there’s more reports and images of war crime atrocities against civilians committed by Russians in Ukraine along with Brandon saying Putin should be put on trial for same.
The images are brutal, but I’m skeptical of anything reported by the media any more and Zelensky has shown himself to be very media-savvy. I don’t fault him for this, but I won’t take anything at face value.
In Ukraine, I don’t know what constitutes a “civilian” as they’ve been urged to take up arms and defend their country. Do they get uniforms along with their weapons to identify them as soldiers? Are they only soldiers during the hours of 8-5 and then they revert back to being civilians when they put down their weapons?
I’m just trying to think of something to write. Perhaps, this is it.
Oh, well… did you hear that Elon Musk bought 10% or Twitter making him the largest share holder of Twitter? He has issues with the lack of free speech on these big platforms. But the news of his purchase has already made him about a billion dollars, as the share price went up something like 34% on the news of his purchase.
Unleash teh week, GN!
I’ve never been pwned by a kitteh, but it is my understanding Mac’s thread pic is “reality based”. 😉
I got nothin’ else.
yup : )
Yeah, there’s a lot of truth in that cartoon.
Good morning, Fatwa.
Happy Monday, Gerbil Nation!
Good morning, Fatwa, Sven, and dv8 (and Harper!)!
I’ve got this week off for spring break, but I’ll be putting in a few partial days to clear out some of my work backlog.
It was a cold, dreary weekend, but it’s supposed to reach over 90°F later in the week. Warmer weather would be nice, but I don’t need it to be that warm.
Hi, Paddy -- warmer temperatures here too, plus wind forecast.
We attended what was supposed to be a memorial service for our friend Frank last night. “Supposed to be” because the funeral home had misplaced his ashes -- we’ll try again tonight. His sister and her son-in-law are here from Detroit for only a couple of days, so I hope it works out today.
Scanning the headlines, I see there’s more reports and images of war crime atrocities against civilians committed by Russians in Ukraine along with Brandon saying Putin should be put on trial for same.
The images are brutal, but I’m skeptical of anything reported by the media any more and Zelensky has shown himself to be very media-savvy. I don’t fault him for this, but I won’t take anything at face value.
In Ukraine, I don’t know what constitutes a “civilian” as they’ve been urged to take up arms and defend their country. Do they get uniforms along with their weapons to identify them as soldiers? Are they only soldiers during the hours of 8-5 and then they revert back to being civilians when they put down their weapons?
I’m just trying to think of something to write. Perhaps, this is it.
Oh, well… did you hear that Elon Musk bought 10% or Twitter making him the largest share holder of Twitter? He has issues with the lack of free speech on these big platforms. But the news of his purchase has already made him about a billion dollars, as the share price went up something like 34% on the news of his purchase.
I think his purchase is a mixture of hubris and savvy investing.
Time for work. I’m going in early I have a few extra things to do this evening.