And yet more Crowder. Last week, Tim Pool discussed the release of the home security video. One thing he said was that if he came into possession of a video showing two people on the opposite side of the cultural/political spectrum engaging in offensive or controversial behavior that had nothing to do with their politics or profession -- and the release of that video would harm them professionally -- that he wouldn’t release it. His position being that the hypothetical video was private and that it had nothing to do with their political or cultural arguments. As AoS would say: “Muh principles!”
Pool takes a principled stand -- good for him. I don’t agree with it. I don’t think standing on principle has worked for the GOP or for Conservatives when dealing with the left for a long time now. They don’t have the same principles of fair play and giving them the benefit of the doubt hasn’t gained the right anything -- it isn’t reciprocated. Is that a dangerous road to travel? Yes.
Several years ago, a friend was unfairly and unprofessionally getting the snot kicked out of him regularly by a boss. Appeals through the normal work channels did no good. This went on for months causing my friend no small amount of anxiety and stress. The principled thing to do would have been to resign -- for other reasons that wasn’t an option at the time -- or at the very least not a good option. We came into possession of some information that had nothing to do directly with my friend, but that had the potential to damage the boss professionally. In our minds, it was something stupid that the boss had been involved in that if it had been anyone else both of us would have just chuckled at their stupidity.
To cover our tracks, I reported it anonymously to their HR dept with some slight embellishments. I didn’t work at this company, but I went to a Kinko’s (that dates things somewhat) and used their computer and internet. That back and forth went on for about a week. Soon thereafter, the problem boss was demoted and later fired. Problem solved.
Did both of us violate our principles to resolve an untenable situation? Yes. Do I feel bad about it? No.
A blessed Sabbath, Gerbil Nation!
Cleaning under the bed? I thought that was what nervous, little dogs were for.
Somewhere I saw a baby crawling suit that was designed like a dust mop.
Brilliant. Child Labor to the MAX!!!!
If you sleep on the floor, there’s less cleaning to do.
Good morning, Paddy. Happy Sunday GN.
More Crowder:
And yet more Crowder. Last week, Tim Pool discussed the release of the home security video. One thing he said was that if he came into possession of a video showing two people on the opposite side of the cultural/political spectrum engaging in offensive or controversial behavior that had nothing to do with their politics or profession -- and the release of that video would harm them professionally -- that he wouldn’t release it. His position being that the hypothetical video was private and that it had nothing to do with their political or cultural arguments. As AoS would say: “Muh principles!”
Pool takes a principled stand -- good for him. I don’t agree with it. I don’t think standing on principle has worked for the GOP or for Conservatives when dealing with the left for a long time now. They don’t have the same principles of fair play and giving them the benefit of the doubt hasn’t gained the right anything -- it isn’t reciprocated. Is that a dangerous road to travel? Yes.
Several years ago, a friend was unfairly and unprofessionally getting the snot kicked out of him regularly by a boss. Appeals through the normal work channels did no good. This went on for months causing my friend no small amount of anxiety and stress. The principled thing to do would have been to resign -- for other reasons that wasn’t an option at the time -- or at the very least not a good option. We came into possession of some information that had nothing to do directly with my friend, but that had the potential to damage the boss professionally. In our minds, it was something stupid that the boss had been involved in that if it had been anyone else both of us would have just chuckled at their stupidity.
To cover our tracks, I reported it anonymously to their HR dept with some slight embellishments. I didn’t work at this company, but I went to a Kinko’s (that dates things somewhat) and used their computer and internet. That back and forth went on for about a week. Soon thereafter, the problem boss was demoted and later fired. Problem solved.
Did both of us violate our principles to resolve an untenable situation? Yes. Do I feel bad about it? No.
Call me overly nuanced if you like, but I have to admit, I like a guy who can break a few eggs while making an omelet.
Our neighbor
Our neighbor with a snack
yum yum….
That’s both very cool and somewhat scary at the same time.