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Just Sven
1 year ago

A polite coon.

Good morning, GN.

Paddy O'Furnijur
1 year ago

Happy Friday, Gerbil Nation!
Good morning, Sven!

I swear my principal is going to drive me nuts. Back in April I told her we needed to review how we support struggling students. She agreed and said we would talk further about it. Nothing. I submitted a budget proposal in mid-May that included additional software that would support struggling students. No response. In June I asked if any decisions had been made. The answer was it depends on how we decide to proceed with our program to help struggling students. A few weeks ago she emails me to say were changing the program that I’m in charge of to help struggling students and she’s organizing a meeting to discuss how everyone will be involved. “As we make progress in formulating a more solidified plan, I am eager to discuss your role in the XXX implementation.” We then had a brief phone call where she mentioned that she had meant to have this discussion back in May. At the team meeting, we didn’t get through everything on her agenda and she went on vacation for two weeks. On Monday (her second week of vacation), she emailed me to see how my plans for the new program were going and to share “a few thoughts I have been meaning to share with you.” Yesterday I emailed her to ask if she was planning on holding another team meeting next week. Her response? “I did not mean for you to feel you had to hold off on meeting while I was away and thought I had let you know that I was just kicking things off and handing it over to you.” No, she hadn’t let me know.

Last year, we were going to have bi-weekly meetings. We held one.

Last edited 1 year ago by Paddy O'Furnijur