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1 year ago

up at 4:50 this morning. Tonight’s super long shift is going to hurt Hopefully, I can get a nap later.

Paddy O'Furnijur
1 year ago

Sure Happy It’s Thursday, Gerbil Nation!
Good morning, dv8 (and Harper!)!

dv8 -- I hope you get some sleep today. Don’t take chances driving while exhausted.

I had a meeting with my principal yesterday afternoon to discuss her vision for my function for this coming school year. Of course she doesn’t have a clear vision, but wants us to move in a certain direction. She formed a committee that I am now in charge of and I have to get their buy-in on everything. Some of what we’ll be doing I brought up to her last April, but never got a commitment for. It would be nice to have a little more planning time but that doesn’t seem to be the way that she operates. We have a retreat coming up next week and I may or may not be presenting at it. She never said, but made a few vague references, so I’ll just have to be prepared. Yes, I could ask her directly, but she is still working on both the agenda and schedule for the retreat, so she’s not even sure what will be happening. Oh, well.