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Just Sven
1 year ago

Happy Saturday, GN. Some head banging to start the day.

Paddy O'Furnijur
1 year ago

Happy Identical Caturday, Gerbil Nation!
Good morning, Sven!

Speaking of cats, a cat adopted Teh Older a couple of weeks ago. It kept following him around the apartment complex and rubbing up against his leg. After several days of this, they decided to bring him/her into their home and see what happens. The cat is very sweet and gentle and will curl up next to/on top of Teh Older. It obviously belonged to someone, but isn’t microchipped, so they’re putting notices on social media, etc. If no one claims the cat after 30 days, then they can get the cat microchipped and it will be officially theirs -- as much as any cat can belong to anyone.

Just Sven
1 year ago

I would have thought you would have taught Teh Older better than that, Paddy.

Just Sven
1 year ago
Reply to  Mac

OK. I laughed pretty loudly with that one, Mac. Nicely done.

Just Sven
1 year ago

There’s a rumor floating around here that recently paroled killer, Leslie van Houten, and some of her followers are going to be in the area today. Spahn Ranch is only a few miles east of us and there’s some other Manson connections to a cave off of our street. I think it’s bullshit, but you never know.

Just Sven
1 year ago
Reply to  Just Sven

My BiL, John, stopped by today. He was at The Munch Box on Devonshire yesterday when a tour bus/van stopped there with a horde of Manson fans/interested persons/something or others. The Munch Box was a favorite hangout of Manson and he supposedly scratched his name into one of the bricks there. Anyhow, they were going on about a gathering today at Santa Susana Park where John thought they said Leslie van Houten was going to attend. That kinda pissed me off.

Me and Mrs Sven went down there and sure enough about 40 people were there with more coming in underneath the covered pavilion area near the volleyball courts – apparently this is an annual thing and their third time at our park. Music from a couple of guys playing guitars – actually quite good – plenty of food, beer, pot (guessing there – but a couple of bongs on tables), hard liquor. We pretended ignorance – said we were just driving by. Was approached by the organizer, Stoner van Houten, and a few others – all quite friendly. No one said Leslie van Houten was coming by, but Stoner did say Charles Manson’s grandson was coming there this evening. It was kind of unclear what their common interest was – what this gathering was all about -- but a couple went to great pains to say it wasn’t a celebration. Mostly an older crowd, but some younger men with “Family Forever” or some such thing tee shirts. Odd. We stayed for about half an hour.
Here’s the guy’s youtube channel if you are interested. Spahn Ranch Worker -- YouTube

Paddy O'Furnijur
1 year ago
Reply to  Just Sven

Huh. Interesting. I’d like to know what went on later in the evening, but wouldn’t necessarily want to be there.

Just Sven
1 year ago

Property prices here. A house on our street sold in March for $630,000. It’s two beds, one bath, and 774 square feet. Built in 1935. Seems outrageous to me.

Paddy O'Furnijur
1 year ago
Reply to  Just Sven

We always wonder what people do for a living to be able to afford homes out here.

I saw an ad for townhomes with “luxury amenities”, starting in the “high 300,000’s”. I wondered where in the state that could possibly be.

Paddy O'Furnijur
1 year ago

I don’t remember if I told y’all that we found a bee hive inside the bench built into our deck. Mrs. Paddy found someone through a contact at her church who came out yesterday and started the removal process. He put as much honeycomb as possible into half-height hive frames and put those into a small beehive box. He came out today to remove the queen and replace it with one with more docile genetics. He asked if I could help him clean up the area and seal it from future bee intrusion, so I suited up and joined him. Unfortunately, we found a lot of dead bees. When we opened the hive, we found ants crawling all over the hive -- so many that the hive wouldn’t survive. We sprayed them down with ant and roach killer, then vacuumed them up in my shop vac. We cleaned up the area and temporarily sealed things. In a few days, I’ll empty my shop vac and maybe next weekend install heavy duty screen over all the openings. It was actually very sad to have to destroy the hive. I’ll post some pictures after I get them from Mrs. Paddy.