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Just Sven
6 months ago

Thread pic. It’s an amazing world filled with wonderful creatures…and then there’s cats.

Just Sven
6 months ago

Morning poetry

“Soul Washing”
by Adriana Lisboa
The soul must be washed by hand.
Not that its material is delicate,
or bleeds. On the contrary,
the soul is hard-wearing and the only way
to get it clean is by hand-washing it. Take
some household soap – the cheapest will do.
Forget bleach, fabric softener,
no soul needs that.
Let it soak for a while
to remove stubborn stains,
grease, mud, ketchup spills.
Then rub it in the sink, wring it out
and hang it in the sun to dry. Ironing
is not required. Washed like this,
the soul can be worn
for many years to come,
the ideal uniform for this school
of obstinacy that is the body,
that is the world.

Paddy O'Furnijur
6 months ago

Happy Wednesday, Gerbil Nation!
Good morning, Sven!

In re the thread pic: no. Just. no.

Mrs. Paddy and I have a meeting late this morning with HUD. They want to discuss how much our fine should be for filing our audited financial statements late. By “discuss” I assume they mean “tell”. I can hardly wait.

Just Sven
6 months ago

Sheesh. Good luck, Paddy.

Just Sven
6 months ago

I so loney

Paddy O'Furnijur
6 months ago
Reply to  Mac

I’m getting there! Don’t rush me!