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Just Sven
6 months ago

Good to see Dv8 stopped by. Happy Satyrday, GN.

Just Sven
6 months ago
Reply to  Mac

Hi Mac! Frisky? Not so much, more like a muddy piece of wood stuck in an eddy in a slow moving stream. Need more coffee.

Hope you and Elena are doing well.

Just Sven
6 months ago
Reply to  Mac

Elena has a large family?

Paddy O'Furnijur
6 months ago

Happy ‘Coonurday, Gerbil Nation!
Good morning, Sven, and Mac!

Sven -- I see what you did there.

Mac -- good luck to Elena and her sister with the packing and moving.

dv8 -- congratulations on the job! I hope it works out well for you!

Just Sven
6 months ago

Curious on presidential poll questions. I often hear that those who would choose Trump if he’s the nominee changing their vote if he’s convicted of one of his many crimes. I wonder if they ask the contrary question of those that initially wouldn’t vote for him, if they would be more or less likely to vote for him if he is convicted?

In California politics, we have our jungle primary coming up next week where you cast your vote with all candidates from all parties to choose from and then the top two run in the general. Here, what that usually means is that we end up choosing between two Dems in November. On the Senate side, Republican Steve Garvey is doing well in the polls and given that he’s the only non-Dem alternative and that there’s a slew of Dems running that will split their votes, he could be the #2 pick in November.

One Dem candidate, Christina Pascucci, made an interesting point that a vote for Garvey now will guarantee that Adam Schiff is the next senator after November. She makes a valid point that no Republican in California is going to win in the general election and that we’d be better off choosing a moderate Dem in the primary to run against Schiff than a sure to lose Garvey.

It’s a valid point, but maybe with more machinations than I want to consider.

Paddy O'Furnijur
6 months ago
Reply to  Just Sven

It would take a concerted effort to get most Republicans to vote for one particular Democrat. I think the result would be that Schiff and Porter make it into the general election as all the other candidates, besides Barbara Lee, are polling below 5 percent.

Just Sven
6 months ago

I’ve grown fond of a quick and easy chicken breast recipe. Boneless chicken breasts topped in a mixture of mayonnaise, honey mustard, diced pimentos, and grated cheese. The usual seasonings added to the mayo mix. Bake at 375 for about 30 minutes. Done. Add in some vegetables and rice as side dishes.

Quick and easy.

Just Sven
6 months ago

I see, Mac, that you are branching out with thread pics.
