I just read that Sponge-Brain Sh!t Pants has come up with another family tall tale. He’s claiming that an uncle who crashed his plane in the ocean during WWII was eaten by cannibals. I wonder how long before he claims that Beau was eaten by cannibals while attempting to recover his great-uncle’s remains?
Happy what-fresh-hell-awaits-us Wednesday, GN!
Happy “Gerbil Chess” Wednesday, Gerbil Nation!
Good morning, Sven!
Fresh hell? Or stale, warmed-over hell from a few weeks ago, served as a casserole? I’m not sure which is worse.
It is as if our hells never disappear; they just move from center focus but continue to take up space in the basket of doom.
I just read that Sponge-Brain Sh!t Pants has come up with another family tall tale. He’s claiming that an uncle who crashed his plane in the ocean during WWII was eaten by cannibals. I wonder how long before he claims that Beau was eaten by cannibals while attempting to recover his great-uncle’s remains?