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Just Sven
3 months ago

Good morning and happy Tuesday, GN. I got nuthin’ beyond a squirrel update. Yesterday he spent 6 hours outside on his own with his buddies doing squirrel things. He’s yet to be accepted by the locals, but he’s observing/learning squirrel behavior. He slept inside last night, but for the first time in his cage and not in a slightly heated sleep box. We’ll see how he ‘s doing in a bit and then send him outside again.

Last update. Our squirrel’s morning started out well. There was a family of young squirrels that came up to the porch -- some smaller than him -- and he was making friends with them, eating seeds, exploring the yard. We figured another couple of days, maybe the weekend, and he’d be a full outdoor squirrel. About an hour ago, Mrs Sven went to the patio door to check on him and got there just in time to see a hawk kill him. It’s like a fucking bad joke.

Last edited 3 months ago by Just Sven
Paddy O'Furnijur
3 months ago

Happy Tuesday, Gerbil Nation!
Good morning, Sven!

Mac -- excellent thread-meme. It captures the Leftist spirit in so many ways. I’m glad Elena is feeling better. Did the doctor give you any idea what might be causing the pain?

Sven -- thanks for the squirrel update. I’m glad to hear that your little one is doing well.

Paddy O'Furnijur
3 months ago
Reply to  Mac

That’s good to hear!